Noah: A Hollywood adaptation of the Bible story (which itself - TopicsExpress


Noah: A Hollywood adaptation of the Bible story (which itself is a retelling of a Sumerian story). To say that this is a loose adaption would be an understatement (yes - Im going to say it - The greatest understatement since Noah said It looks like rain! Hee Hee!) I can understand that the entire story is told in a mere 3 chapters of Genesis so would need some expansion to fill a 2 hour film, but they have done The Hobbit trick of throwing in a conflict with the descendants of Cain to add some action to the story. This is also a conflicted Noah who misinterprets his visions to think that all mankind should die out with the flood (including his own family). But this is unsurprising as the visions give very vague clues about what is to befall mankind rather the highly specific instructions given in the bible (The Ark shall be 300 Cubits x 50 Cubits x 30 Cubits) Also Noah was 600 years old when the flood came and it looks like he waited until he was 580 before he had his children as the oldest was about 20 (also the two younger sons didnt have the wives described in the bible) And dont get me started about the Rock Creatures! I find the need to put fantasy creatures in any Ancient film unfathomable Russel Crowe is as good value for money as ever, Jennifer Connolly seems to ooze angst from every pore, Emma Watson is turning into a fine actress, and Ray Winstone plays a cockney hard man (again!) as the King of the descendants of Cain But even this fine cast seemed unable to gel this film into an epic - so I suspect this film failed in the directing or editing (or possibly even in the scripting!) This is not a bad film but neither is it a great one and it left me feeling unsatisfied.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 22:45:03 +0000

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