Noah Allah says : { We sent Noah to his people to warn - TopicsExpress


Noah Allah says : { We sent Noah to his people to warn your people before that gives them a painful torment } [ Noah : 1 . Has been sent by God to the people who mess up their experience , and have forgotten the origins of the law of God revealed by the former prophets and messengers , and became worship idols . Quran has proved them five idols , and worship them they were sanctified , namely: ( d - Se - Yaghuth - hampers - Eagle ) . Allah says : {And they said no Tdhirn gods nor Tdhirn friendlier nor Suwa nor Yaghuth hampers and eagle } [ Noah : 23 ] . * Noah ratios : Alnsabon mention it : Noah ( peace be upon him ) Ben Lamech bin Methuselah bin Idris ( Enoch peace be upon him ) Yard Bin Bin Bin Mhlaúal Cainan Ben Enos son of Seth ( peace be upon him ) the son of Adam ( peace be upon him ) Dad humans. God knows . * Noahs life with his people in paragraphs : I mentioned the story of Noah with his people in the six chapters of the Quran in detail , and highlight the following points : 1 - proof of his prophethood and his message . 2 - call an urgent call to his people , and the persistence and patience , and take the various arguments and means . 3 - the reluctance of his people with him , the more galvanized prayer and a reminder Zarroh escape and away , and a determination to falsehood , and contempt for the weak of his followers . 4 - the worship of idols of his people over the five mentioned, and a lot of their error . 5 - deny his people to call , and where lie the grounds he is a man of them, then take down the request by the suffering that prepares them . 6 - Noah complaint to the Lord to his people Asou , and did not follow from whose wealth and children only ruin . 7 - the media or telling God to Noah that he would not believe from his people only safe , so long after the mission including a patient and inviting them , it has been successive generations of them . 8 - Call Noah them saying: { Lord, do not destroy everything on the floor of the unbelievers Diarra * You Tdhirhm deceive the slaves not only Aldoa Vajra infidels } [ Noah : 26-27 ] . 9 - God commanded Noah to make the ship - was skillful in carpentry - and it is initialized to save him and those with him from the flood that Sigsl land of disbelief . 10 - ridicule the people of Noah from him whenever he passed fill them and saw him make the ship , and that indulging them misguided They see Mndhirat torment. 11 - term solutions spent God and the ability of the flood , and it was a sign that the water from the oven var . 12 - God commanded Noah to carry on the ship : (A) Every couple of two. (B ) However, his family from Kfar of them , including his son , who was Amorgin and his wife . (C ) those who believe with him , and those few . Frckbwa them and said : { name of God be done and anchor } [ Hood : 41 ] . 13 - the outbreak of the eyes of the earth , and spill the clouds of heaven , and the occurrence spend God , inviting Noah and his son in the last hours before the drowning , but the boy refused to faith , thought deliverance sit mountain and took the ship by order of God , and spent it , and was born Noah Amorgin . 14 - sigh Noah to his son on his ship conducted by order of God and the wish to be with the survivors , and saying to his Lord : The son of my parents and the admonition of God to him , and tell him that this boy is not his family , because it is an infidel action that is not valid . 15 - Seal story announcing the expiration of the command: { Reportedly Land O Abelaa your water Loya sky Oqlaa and tip the water and spent it on Astute and Judi and it was said to the people of the oppressors dimension } [ Hood : 44 ] . Judi : Mount in the realms of Diyarbakir island country , which is connected to the mountains of Armenia . And called in the Torah : Ararat . 16 - The term that has left Noah in his people , namely: a thousand years , but fifty years ago, Will is the sum of his life , or is a call to his people - ie, since the letter until his death - or are from birth to the time of his or flood? All that potential and God knows the truth. Allah says : {And We sent Noah to his people, he stayed among them a thousand years , but fifty years the flood seized them as they are unjust } [ Spider : 14 ] . The latter view is likely to verse: { } after the flood seized them saying: { And he stayed among them a thousand years , but fifty years } , to benefit him ta of the order . 17 - a statement that those who remained after the descendants of Noah are only, in the verse: { And We made his offspring are remaining } . Historians said : They are the offspring of his three sons , Shem, Ham and Japheth . They also say : 1 - Sam : Abu Arabs and Persians, the Romans . 2 - and Welding : Abu Sudan and Franks and Copts , India and Sindh. 3 - and Japheth : Abu Turk , China, Slavs and Gog and Magog . God knows the truth.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:05:44 +0000

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