Nobody has proved which white man fathered children on Sally - TopicsExpress


Nobody has proved which white man fathered children on Sally Hemmings. Blacks usually claim that their father was Thomas Jefferson because he was the most famous person in his family, the historical big-shot, and the claim is intended to bolster black pride. By claiming descent from a famous white man. Likewise, most of the black scientists and inventors of whom the black race is most proud were mulattoes with at least as many white ancestors as black ones. You can often tell that it is so by looking at their photographs. For black achievers born before photography was invented (by white people), there are genealogical records that do the proving quite well. For example, Jan Ernst Matzeliger, the black man who invented a machine that attached soles to shoe uppers, was born to a white father, a Dutch engineer, and to a black woman who had no professional life whatever. It is obvious which side of his family Jan got his talent from. Jan Matzeliger was, actually, an exception in that he really did invent something. Invent means to build the first thing of a kind, and, as far as I know, nobody had ever before made a machine that put shoes together automatically. The same cannot be said for most alleged black inventions. Oily peanut paste (or peanut butter) has an ancient history; George Washington Carver found a way to make it, but he is not its inventor as it so often alleged. And, likewise, for paper. Garrett Morgan built a traffic signal, but he did not invent traffic signals, and, in fact, blacks usually describe Morgans device incorrectly: in fact, it wasnt automatic; it required someone to keep turning it back and forth; nor did it have lights; rather, it used a cross-bar to tell people when to stop or go. The traffic lights in common use today were developed from the design of William Potts, a white man whose device preceded that of Garrett Morgan. And the very first traffic light was invented even before that, in England, by another white man. And the same can be said about Morgans gas mask. It was really a hood attached to a breathing tube (a hose). Better gas masks than Morgans already existed by that time, and had been tested by American troops during World War 1. But where black achievement is concerned, both the inflation of credit and the minimization of the white part of the achievers ancestry are routine.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:11:13 +0000

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