Nobody identifies with depression, or anger, or anxiety by choice. - TopicsExpress


Nobody identifies with depression, or anger, or anxiety by choice. They identify with these things because they believe that there is no other choice. They have yet to ask the question, how else can I react to my situation? You cannot recieve an answer, if you have not first asked the question. That is the difference between a closed mind and an open mind. Now that you’ve asked the question, how else can I react? You will find yourself, noticing when you are depressed, rather than simply reacting to it, without that recognition. You will have become the witness, even though it may not seem like much, it means everything. When people are depressed, they never witness their own feelings, they simply feel them, and they react to them. They are a victim of the feeling, and the thoughts associated with that feeling, they’re identified with it, they tell themselves, they are “my” feelings. And so their state of being reflects that,they’ve owned it, so that is what they send out to the world. The depression doesn’t come from external sources, no… It comes from within that person. My depression, it’s not franks depression is bothering me, no it’s my depression, and so that person is the source of that depression. However, they are only the source of it, because they are not witnessing it, they’re aren’t feeling it and asking themselves, how can I react, they simply react. And they will continue to react in that exact same way, for weeks, months, years or even a lifetime. Never realizing that their depression, is not their identity. So once you begin to witness depression within you, you begin to feel it fully, rather than wallow in it and try to dull it or hide from it or avoid it, which sends you into more depression, what you resist, persists. So instead of doing those things, feel it fully, accept the depression feeling within you, and recognize that it no longer serves you, that you are now able to feel it fully, completely, with complete acceptance, at its very worst, and not react to it. To no longer judge it and say, why do I have to feel like this…. You don’t…. you’re just telling yourself that you do. So once you’ve felt it fully, and no longer identify with it, no longer be it’s victim, no longer take that feeling personally, it loses its power over you, it short circuits itself, and it lifts off you, like a weight. Why? Because you’ve given it your love, your attention, you’ve brought it into the light by consciously acknowledging it within you. You’ve loved the part of yourself, that was depressed. Know yourself, love yourself. Depression, anxiety, anger and so on, are really just parts of ourselves saying, please love me, can’t you see I’m crying for your love? It doesn’t want you to run and hide from it, it wants you to face your fear of it, and accept it for what it is. To learn the lesson it’s trying to teach you. All these negative feelings, are not bad things. They are extremely positive things in disguise. Saying yes to negativity is a profoundly positive way of thinking. You will eventually come to the realization, that you are completely responsible for your state of being, your actions, your thoughts. You choose to be happy, or sad, or depressed, or angry, it’s all a choice that you are making, whether you are conscious of it or not. The more conscious you become, the more choice you realize you’ve always had. Joy, love, happiness, compassion, excitement, passion, are around you, and within you, at all times, you’re just not tuning into them as often as you’d like. Which can be changed any time you want to change. It begins with a question.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:13:27 +0000

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