Nobody in Syria outside the presidential palace truly believes - TopicsExpress


Nobody in Syria outside the presidential palace truly believes that Obama supports them Assad has good reason to be happy 26-09-2014: ...Here, the Wall Street Journal offers more definitive insight: “U.S. officials say the administration has no intention of bombing Mr. Assad’s forces.” Was the United States coordinating its bombardment with the regime? That depends on your definition of “coordinating.” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki was adamant on Tuesday that her government “did not request the regimes permission”, “did not provide advance notification to the Syrians at a military level” and “did not coordinate our actions with the Syrian government.” But it appears that US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power did pay a courtesy call on her Syrian counterpart Bashar Jaafari on Monday, telling him, however vaguely, that attacks were imminent and not to interfere. (In fairness, the Israelis did the same thing before they bombed Al-Kibar in 2007, offering Assad the choice between losing his covert nuclear program or his state in one night.) ...For now, though, Assad has good reason to be happy. The United States hasn’t got any serious quarrel with him or his security guarantor, the IRGC, both of which it appears eager to reassure, even as they appear to be up to their old tricks of moving terrorist networks into Arab countries, only to then wind up those networks in order leverage sensitive intelligence with Washington. In Assad’s case, the goal is to purchase insurance on his continued legitimacy and survival. In Iran’s, well, this doesn’t require much speculation at all. Just listen to Hassan Rouhani: “Without a doubt, reaching a final nuclear deal will expand our cooperation, and we can cooperate in various fields including restoring regional peace and stability and fighting against terrorism,” the cuddly, smiling reformist Iranian president said in New York on Tuesday. “America cannot deny Iran’s role in the fight against terrorism.”
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 04:24:09 +0000

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