Nobody wants a traffic ticket. Nobody wants to be involved in a - TopicsExpress


Nobody wants a traffic ticket. Nobody wants to be involved in a traffic crash. Which is worse, the ticket or a crash? I would think the $500.00 insurance deductible to repair your car, the chance of getting your insurance rate increased, the time you may be without a vehicle while it is being repaired and the possibility of injury is. Some people argue why a ticket instead of a warning? We could argue about that until our faces turn blue but the ticket gets the results needed for traffic compliance. Let’s use common sense. Say we only gave out warnings for traffic violations. First off police agencies, or even members in the same department have no idea who was stopped or for what. So if you only got warnings for traffic violations most people would continue to violate the law. Granted some people will heed to the warning, but most won’t. We have no real idea who would or wouldn’t. Given a ticket though, you will be much more likely not to repeat the same offense. Granted some people will not heed to the ticket, these are the ones who are repeat violators who lose their licenses due to points. Those are the ones who don’t need to drive, but we’d never know about them unless we gave a ticket. I’ve said all that to get to the flux of this post. Communications Officers Heck and Carpenter pointed out to me that the traffic crashes up to this point of the year are 20 below what they were the year before. That equates to a 20% reduction in traffic crashes this year so far. If it holds true through the end of the year and with the same downward pattern percentage as we are headed, we should have even a lower percentage by year’s end. According to a study • In 2012, the average auto liability claim for property damage was $3,073; the average auto liability claim for bodily injury was $14,653. • In 2012, the average collision claim was $2,950; the average comprehensive claim was $1,585. I would imagine those amounts are even higher for this year simply because of inflation. Multiply those numbers by the 20 crash reduction we have then you can begin to see the impact increase traffic enforcement has in savings in dollar amounts. This isn’t a flash in the pan. You have read in a previous post about our city having 100 crashes for each of the last two years (2012, 2013), 80 were in the city and 20 were on the 1.5 section of Interstate we have in the city. The newspaper reported on it as did several TV stations. With our city having 20 crashes less so far as compared to previous years, unless you are one of the unfortunate ones who received a ticket, you should be very happy. It means because of the increased enforcement and public awareness via newspaper or TV stations you are 20% less likely in our city to be involved in a crash due to someone’s negligence. So to the few who say give warnings or stop enforcing traffic laws, there are hundreds asking for more enforcement. In fact as I go around town, the number one complaint I get is that we don’t enforce traffic laws enough. There is so much misinformation about traffic enforcement that I read on various FB pages and at time flat out lies. People put on there that we write tickets for ½ a mile over (I’m exaggerating). I can’t tell you what our pulling you over guideline is but I assure you it is fair. But people hear in court that the speed is 3, 4, 5 or 6 miles over the limit and they assume we stopped them for that. Of course we can, but we don’t. Those figures are a negotiated speed between the city prosecutor and defense attorney who work out a plea agreement for whatever reason they do. I read about people talking about seat belt use. People it’s the law, wear it. Remember too, we the police don’t make the laws, we just enforce the law. Distracted driving - I wish it did include eating a hamburger or putting on makeup as I’ve read on FB but it only pertains to electronic devices, mainly the cell phone. There are bluetooths and most newer cars have built in bluetooths so today there is no real reason why anyone should be talking using a handheld device. Yes police and firemen are exempted from the distracted driving issue as long as it is being used on official business. Take me for instance, I have two phones. One is personal, I get a lot more calls through it and it is connected through my car’s Bluetooth. The other is the work phone and yes I use it in my hand. Why? Because it is sensitive information between an officer, mayor, councilmen, state official etc., and myself and we are not going to put it out where anyone can listen to it. I got off on a tangent and didn’t mean to, the bottom line is we are 20 crashes less so far this year and I’m happy about that!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:12:21 +0000

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