Nobody will win these shoes no matter how many times they share - TopicsExpress


Nobody will win these shoes no matter how many times they share the image. The pictured shoes are just a conceptual design and are not available to the public. The supposed giveaway is a like-farming scam designed to garner likes and shares for a bogus Facebook Page. These like-farmers use such fake promotions as a means of collecting large numbers of Page likes and tricking users into promoting their material via shares and comments. Pages with large numbers of likes can be sold on the black market to unscrupulous online marketers. Such Pages can later be re-branded and used to promote other dodgy products or services or launch further scam campaigns. If you come across such a like-farming Page, do not like, share or comment on its material.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 05:25:03 +0000

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