Noel Hammatt commented on theadvocate. White and Roemer said - TopicsExpress


Noel Hammatt commented on theadvocate. White and Roemer said other states and countries with similar standards already in place have shown positive results. Oh, pray tell. Please give us one country and one state. There is virtually no truth in anything said by White and Roemer in this story. For that matter, Will Sentell should be confined to editorial pages, in a non-newspaper. He has no clue how to write a news story. There is certainly disagreement about whether the Common Core (signed on to by most states, like Louisiana, with a stroke of a couple of pens and NO KNOWLEDGE of what Common Core was going to look like. It didnt exist, at the time. It was not envisioned or created by educators, but by politicians (governors) and their paid staffs. But putting aside the merits of what has been produced... the complaints about Common Core pale in relation to the lies being told about its implementation? John White argues that implementation of Common Core is not an unfunded mandate. Well, what he really does (as he often is wont to do) is ignore the actual question and goes on a rant trying to split the states Superintendents and teachers using his classic divide and conquer strategy. How does he do this. He ignores the question and the reality, which is that regardless of how long it takes Superintendents and School Boards to prepare for and pay for the changes required under Common Core and its concomitant testing program, all of that money is money that was NOT provided by the state of Louisiana. No local School Boards were asked about whether we should join an untested, unexamined new curriculum and standards and its associated testing. No money was forthcoming from John White and the State to pay for new computers and new bandwidth to support the new testing. (Of course, John White and Jindal ignored the millions of dollars available to help with the bandwidth problem in order to pad their friends payrolls.) John White ignores the millions of dollars needed to pay for staff development on the new standards, simply using his mantra of blaming the local school systems. Training costs money. Money that has been in very short supply. In fact, the ONLY new money, was that money that came about because the Legislature was once again trying to force-feed cuts to every district by ramming yet another standstill education budget through, and did it in an unconstitutional manner. Remember Chas Roemer and his oft-cited claims about how there was nothing wrong with the budget he submitted through BESE? The one rejected by the courts because it failed to meet constitutional merit? So John White ignores the question asked by John Bel Edwards. “Do you look at this as an unfunded mandate on districts?” White lies. As usual.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 11:53:19 +0000

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