Noel Jones is 1 of the Preacher on tht Reality show Preachers Of - TopicsExpress


Noel Jones is 1 of the Preacher on tht Reality show Preachers Of LA was in church yesterday asking if he could get some members to pleg for 500.00 because he see Whr the church tithes have drop a lil sence he been on tht show...NO SHIT...wht he thought wld happen whn you go and bost ur wealth in ur members this just my opinion you reader can take it how ever you want to...I thank tht church folks should get off thr dead weight asses and thr lazy thinking ways and go to the nearest book store and buy themselves a Bible..take it home and start studying it for themselves...Im not saying dont give the church any money as a matter of fact you should tithe because God did say I will give U a blessing U cant even store...but wht Im trying to say is thr is a thin line between faith and foolishness..stop taking ur last penny and giving it to these jokers whn U kn U got ur own bills to pay...God understands ur struggle He is not in the business of comdiming I ask tht we all take a stand in our own lives and study to show ourselves approvel unto God a workman need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth...Im posting this because I want to see the church folks get back to the root of thr faith and understand why Jesus came, died,rose, and is coming back for a church without a spot or Blemish..if U want take a stand in ur own life for something people...U will end up standing for I wright to ask tht we all invest into our faith and trust only God word..its all we got is His from this day forward I want all of us to strengthion our faith and believe wht John wrote in his 1st chapter 12 verse But as many as received him, to them gave he POWER to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his wht tht mean is U R already blessed you just got to put ur faith in auction and walk with the Holy Spirit...I LOVE ALL U GUYS...AND I STAND AND CHALLENG ALL OF U TO TAKE A STAND OVER UR OWN FAITH #beBless
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:46:41 +0000

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