Noel Meeks (There may be typos, but there is just too much to - TopicsExpress


Noel Meeks (There may be typos, but there is just too much to write) I got a little teary writing) I miss this friend of mine. He was a cowboy cancer warrior He was at the end of his battle while I was heading towards victory in my battle. the first time with stage 3 breast cancer My body hurt everywhere from all the surgeries during my first week and I did cry from the pain, so I was shy and at first he and I never talked, I just laid down, hurting with stitches in my leg, I was also mourning the loss of my aunt who had lost her battle to cancer the day before I set out to AZ. I was just sad and broken inside and out. Noel and I sat in the sun apart from each other and then one day he asked me So what do you write in that little book of yours I was writing in a journal everything I was feeling, and my experience. That is how our friendship started. So after about an hour of speaking loudly because the distance of our chairs was so far. We both laughed and he finally moved his chair closer.. We talked real with each other. There was a winding staircase that went up to the roof top and towards the end I remember hanging on to it and looking up and him saying Damn, woman, you really want to go up those stairs with your leg like that?!) I said, Well, I do but I wont, but I really want to see the desert from up high He helped me slowly get up those stairs, it hurt and we did it. it is sometimes a little moment like that which can transcend you and restore a somewhat diminished spirit. I felt taller, freer and more capable. There is more about Noel Meeks, so much that I get tears knowing that I was spending time with a man that accepted death with a smile. He was amazing. Noel lost his battle and I remember I was just about to mail him my victory photo and I need to get his address. He had told me that if his mobile phone was ever disconnected when I called that he had gone to meet his maker. He said he did not want me to see him again and to just remember him the way it was in AZ and Las Vegas. He had done a lot of chemotherapy and his feet were pretty numb walk because of all the chemo, so during the last part of his life he took me to Las Vegas so I could be with my daughter and pushed me around Vegas in a wheel chair. I remember him saying he wanted to have one last hoorah before kicking the bucket. He bought me a fancy dinner and invited his friends. He ran a ranch with 120 horses in Wyoming, he was stoic except around me. I could make this man laugh even as he stumbled around with numb feet. I had a dang walker from a horrible knee surgery that had gone wrong, but he made me feel like it wasnt there at all. He insisted on walking without a cane and stumbled a lot and he pushed the wheel chair so I couldnt see how many times he stumbled, but I know he did. He would laugh and talk and say, Now see, isnt this better than going back to WA so soon and dealing with a break up You need to laugh girl. I did laugh, and I worried about him overdoing it. I was out of my element and it was good for me because there were two other people that knew how to do that with me. My best friend Heather Rayburn and my daughter Jessica Schrimpf.. They could drag me anywhere when I got sick the first time. I remember St Patricks Day when Heather and her husband then and my adopted brother Robert Mueller insisted I go listen to her sing. I didnt want to use a walker at the venue. So Robert carried me around and they got me out of the house. I just have so many stories I could tell about friends who became family and in this picture Noel Meeks. I dont know about his whole life, but I know he loved I know he had courage and was not a quitter. He accepted what was like a gentleman and he just amazed me!. I saw this at the end of his life. He knew it was ending and this man had dignity. He never criticized me and lifted me up. He said it was my determination and strength that would save my life and men will be threatened by your strength. He said for me not to take that the wrong way. and that it was better to be wise and strong than stupid and broken. He said You are going to live a good happy life and love again. So promise me you wont settle for bullsh**t from guys. He said They know what they are doing and pretend that they dont. He said take care of yourself So I get it. He was right. I believe we meet people for a reason. Noel knew I had a boyfriend that was not faithful to me during my battle with cancer and it just so happened that Noel and I had something in common that we did not find out until we kept talking day after day. In the end I finally told him how hard my life was battling cancer, the knee replacements gone wrong and being cheated on during it all. When he asked his name and I told him we both just about fell out of our seats. He went to school with my boyfriends mother. I was from Seattle he was from Wyoming, we both traveled far to AZ to fight and save our lives. There were only 5 patients total. He inspired me and made me LAUGH! Noel Meeks I still hear your tough cowboy advice! I will never give up that soft side of me, but I have wizened up I will stay the way I am. Your picture is a reminder to stay true to me. I have had so many of my paths cross like this where things like this happen to me. This was more than a coincidence. Chance meetings like this, the people God brings together for our journey lesson mean so much to me. The memories are what kept me going on the path all my life. I am ready for the next person to show up and always for my next lesson. I want to keep growing in love and compassion. I Never question why my life is hard, because We can always experience it 100% harder f you think about it? Just work through it, hang on and try to get a new perspective its the only thing you have control over anyway is your perspective. Noel, you were right, Im different, quirky as you put it, some people dont get me and I dont mind it any more, because my path is much clearer and it takes a unique person to lead. I dont want to be like everyone else at all. I want to be different, RIP my dear friend , I will see you later, much much later Noel Meeks
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:02:09 +0000

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