Nollywood need to change its narrative You know it is - TopicsExpress


Nollywood need to change its narrative You know it is Nollywood when Poor Kanayo O Kanayo leaves his village as poor wretched rat to Lagos and accidentally met his old friend Clem Ohameze on Lagos road Clem who is now stupendously rich and moves in convoy of state of the art cars, orders his convoy to stop on sighting miserable looking KOK. Plesantaries exchanged, you are now a Big Man, KOK exclaims . Come and see me in my house Clem says as he waves his old friend off to continue his journey KOK arrives Clems house the next day and was hit by the splendor and opulence of his old friend house, wondering why bad thing happen to good people KOK seeking to better his fortune begs him to show him the way to join the league of wealthy men Clem having pitied his miserable condition, takes him to Dibia(Medicine Man) where he would be required to bring all sorts of mundane thing ranging from Human head to women breast or in most case, the occult group where Clem is a member,KOK did as required of him by the Nwa Dibia,or is initiated into the occult group in a bizarre ceremony to mark the INITIATION and his life suddenly change overnight after that His circle of friends change, women now swarm over him like bees and KOK is living the good life with a new nick name Agba Ego Nkiti, Ona Ezuzu Yari ( If You are poor and dont have money, Money will be insulting you anyhow) The danger of Nollywood Narrative you see in most movies is that it tells a single flawed story and the single story is that for you to be rich in Nigeria, you must visit Dibia or be a ritualist which is a warped notion and not true Nolly wood need to change this narrative because that is what the rest of the world watch,consume and form their conclusion about Nigeria Nollywood is our biggest export after crude oil and that is not in argument, my South Africa friend Amy McSithole has not been to Nigeria before, she keep shifting the goal post that that she will come but the little she knows of her is from Nollywood movies likewise my Zambia Friend Warorita Namuwelu who is learning how to speak pidgin English from watching Nollywood. Ask Amy And Warorita about Nigeria, they would tell you that Nigerian rich men are ritualist and our women desperadoes who visit Dibia(Native Doctors) for love charm whenever they want to hook any man, You dont blame them, that is the message our Films pot rays to the world at large, the world take notice and believe the single story to be true There is more to Nigeria than Native Doctors, Rituals and occult fellows Our Stories are yet untold, Chimananda Adichie told the world one of them in her book Half Of A Yellow Sun And Nigerians are waiting with bated breath to watch the movie adaption Nollywood practitioners need to start telling our rich stories because the world wants to hear,watch and celebrate our story and diversity as a people
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:33:44 +0000

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