Nomrud was a great progressive leader! During his reign Babylon - TopicsExpress


Nomrud was a great progressive leader! During his reign Babylon became the first centre of civilization. What wasn’t in Babylon? Science, magic, luxury! Ferauns also were great rulers! During their age Egypt saw development that no civilization had ever seen before! However, Allah SWT hasn’t created men to pass life in luxury and fun. He hasn’t asked us to drive after meaningless unnecessary progression. He has created us to pray to Him and live a simple life under his dictation; submitting to Allah accepting His sovereignty. He sent the true leaders of Humanity, the chosen ones like father of our nation Hazrat Ibrahim (pbuh) to Nomrud and Hazrat Musa (pbuh) to Feraun to warn them. They refused the chosen leaders; defied Allah’s sovereignty and continued on their meaningless luxuries; of course, those luxuries were confined to them only and never reached the general populace. Allah cursed them and destroyed them as lesson to all who follow. We wonder what fate awaits today’s leaders of progressive nation states, the general mass (on whom nowadays rest sovereignty!) and the people accepting the fake world order and its rulings and symbols defying their true Lord!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 10:16:49 +0000

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