Non-Muslims Buried Alive: 500 Yazidis...: Maybe Jews did it !! ( - TopicsExpress


Non-Muslims Buried Alive: 500 Yazidis...: Maybe Jews did it !! ( The usual islamic excue). Who are Yazidis ? In fact it is pronounced Izadi . Izad is an old Persian word which means the only God. Izad = Isad yekta = Ahura Mazda = the only God. Izadi is the first ever monotheist religion of all times. Despite that,they are accused of being the devil worshipers (guess who accused them of that ? Yes , you guessed it right). They have been prosecuted and killed since islam took over Persia. Persecution of IZADIS (Yazidis) has continued in their home communities within the borders of modern Iraq, under both Saddam Hussein and fundamentalist Sunni Muslim revolutionaries. ISIL ( the pure version of islam) is burying them alive these days . But WHY to lie and call them Devil worshipers ? Here is the reason , very short version: Islam has always wanted to take the credit of being the first monotheistic religion ever. But as soon as they found out that 6-7000 years before muhammad was born there were some monotheist people , Zoroastrians , who were already motheists , they became very jealous and could not accept that. Little more details: Islam believes that Abraham was the first monotheist prophet sent by allah ( not God but allah). The Jews and Christians destroyed monotheism of Abraham by becoming polytheists . ( quran has mistakenly said that Christians believe in three different Gods and Jews believe that Ezra is a kind of allah`s partner or brother or son). Based on that delusion by muhammad , islam claims to be the first monotheistic religion ever. But that was until muhammad thought the the universe was not bigger than arabian peninsula and nobody was living outside that desert. After islam found out that there is another and more civilized world outside of arabian peninsula , the became very jealous. They also found out that Zoroastrians had already started believing in one God long before Abraham came along , about 6-7000 years before muhammad was born. This was just too much for them. Muhammad did not know about this monotheistic religion and that is why he did not mention it in his concocted quran. This made muslims of that time very angry and jealous. Because they wanted to make people believe that islam is the first monotheistic religion. But Zoroastrians laughed at them. They started hating Zoroastrians and any religion linked to Zoroastrians , that ancient religion. Among the many lies that islamist have claimed is that Zoroastrian believe in FIRE to be the god. This is a ridiculous claim because Zoroastrian considered the fire as the best gift FROM the IZAD = Ahura Mazda = The only God. Almost all Zoroastrians fled the religion of peace and tolerance when islam took over Persia. Because muslims considered them fire worshipers , infidels who must be killed. Most of them fled to India. Some Izadi have fled to the mountains of Kurdistan. In Zoroastrian-like tradition, the Peacock Angel embodied humanitys potential for both good (light) and bad (dark) acts, and due to pride temporarily fell from Gods favor, before his remorseful tears extinguished the fires of his hellish prison and he reconciled with God. Some followers of other monotheistic religions mistakenly equate the Peacock Angel with their own unredeemed evil spirit Satan, which has incited centuries of persecution of the Yazidi as devil worshipers. pamelageller/2014/08/non-muslims-buried-alive-500-yazidis-killed-buried-mass-grave-islamic-state.html/ Non-Muslims Buried Alive: 500 Yazidis killed, buried in mass grave by the Islamic State - Pamela... pamelageller So here is the six-million-dollar question: is this genocide going to be ignored so as not to offend Muslims or worse, to prevent those who might call attention to it from being labeled an islamophobe? AFDI is holding a rally next Sunday in Union Square to protest the persecution and slaughter of no…
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 05:08:45 +0000

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