Non-Repentant Thieves and Murders: We the original people and - TopicsExpress


Non-Repentant Thieves and Murders: We the original people and rightful owners of the Western Hemisphere do hereby declare and affirm that the European squatters and the follow-on illegal immigrants co-conspirators from Europe have not repented from their original intent of murder, theft and cover-up as witnessed by: 1) The Europeans continued celebration of and national holidays for known mass murderers such as Christopher Columbus and others European leaders who publicly advocated for and led in the theft of Native lands and extermination of Native peoples such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin (((Get others from the Indian Country article))). 2) Modern Europeans continued false propaganda regarding the true history since 1492 and their continued denial of the mass crimes that they committed and continue to commit in order to steal and maintain possession of stolen property. 3) The Europeans continued mass relocation of thousands of Native people on Native land while knowingly and falsely labeling these Natives as immigrants, illegal, aliens, Hispanic, Latino in order to maintain a white majority rule area on a brown continent. 4) The Europeans continued embracing of songs such as This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, where they continue to reinforce the lie that Native land is white land. 5) The lack of any form of apology to the Natives of the Western Hemisphere for what they, the Europeans, have done as defined herein. 7) The failure of the white Church to resend the Papal Bull Inter Caetera of May 4, 1493 where the European Catholic Churchgave all of the lands and wealth of the Western Hemisphere to the white people of Europe.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:42:29 +0000

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