Non-Teaching Council Minutes of the Meeting Date: July 21, - TopicsExpress


Non-Teaching Council Minutes of the Meeting Date: July 21, 2014 (Monday) Time: 2:00 PM Venue: Multi-media Roomrt Presiding Officer: Dr. Eric Olivarez I. ATTENDANCE: 1. Mr. Jesus Sibala Security 2. Elaine Grace Bognot, MD Clinic 3. Mr. Joseph Hebres Housekeeping 4. Ms. Mary Grace Banta S.A. 5. Mrs. Selfa Legisniana Guidance 6. Mr. Mark Anthony Hagos BED Lab. Custodian 7. Mr. Jade Germano Sports Center 8. Mr. Gabriel Cabardo QAAD 9. Mr. Dennis Gacusan Office Supply 10. Mr. Wilbert Bonifacio Registrar 11. Mrs. Regie Flores Canteen 12. Mr. Mel Alipo-on Library 13. Mrs. Adela Zuñiga ORC 14. Mr. Noel Dasigan Technical 15. Mr. Eric Olivarez VPAS 16. Mrs. Teresita Oris Finance Head 17. Mrs. Rose Vidallon VPAS Secretary II. AGENDA: a. Medical Health Updates for Employees c/o Dr. Elaine Grace C. Bognot b. Quality Assurance Updates c/o Mr. Gabriel Cabardo c. 5’s updates c/o Mr. Gabriel Cabardo d. Human Resource Update: Newly Hired and Resigned Staff c/o Ms. Eileen Cambe e. Result of Feedback Mechanism c/o Ms. Eileen Cambe f. President’s Day c/o Mrs. Rose Vidallon III. BUSINESS OF THE DAY: The meeting started at 2:30 PM and the presiding officer is Dr. Eric Olivarez. The opening prayer was lead by Ms. Cambe. The previous minutes of the meeting were reviewed and approved by Mr. Alipo-on and Mrs. Legisniana. A presentation was presented by Dr. Elaine Grace C. Bognot regarding the medical health updates of the OC staff and employees. Census of the List of Employees with Medical Problems ADMINISTRATORS AND NON – TEACHING STAFF TOTAL 209 KOCH’S FINDINGS ON CXR 9 TB – DOTS REFERRAL 7 WITH PULMONOLOGY CLEARANCE 3 PRIVATE DOCTOR FOR REFERRAL AND KOCH’S TREATMENT 2 ON TREATMENT 5 HYPERTENSION 30 LOST TO FOLLOW - UP 2 DRUG TESTING (POSITIVE) 2 OLIVAREZ REALTY CORPORATION (ORC) TOTAL 80 KOCH’S FINDINGS ON CXR 10 TB – DOTS REFERRAL 10 WITH PULMONOLOGY CLEARANCE 7 PRIVATE DOCTOR FOR REFERRAL AND KOCH’S TREATMENT 0 ON TREATMENT 0 HYPERTENSION 11 LOST TO FOLLOW - UP 3 DRUG TESTING (POSITIVE) 6 Mr. Cabardo presented the Quality Assurance updates and 5’S updates. • PACUCOA Level IV Accreditation for Liberal Arts Programs – Psych, Masscom and PolScie – schedule of visitation is on December 11 t0 13. Self-survey report must be submitted on or before October 14, 2104. • PACUCOA Level III Accreditation for MAED and MBA – schedule of visitation is on December 11 to 13. Self-survey report must be submitted on or before October 14, 2014. • Submitted documents for application for recognition (4th year) BS Accounting Technology program for SY 2015-2016. • Submitted documents for application for recognition (5th year) BS Accountancy program for SY 2014-2015. • Submitted documents (Compliance Report) for recognition (4th year) BS Criminology program for SY 2014-2015. • Attended the PACUCOA Training of Accreditors on Outcomes-Based Accreditation last July 3-4, 2014 held at TIP, Q.C. • Attended the TESDA Training Methodology 1 (TM1) Course last June 28, 29, July 5, 6, 11 and 12, 2014 held at STI College P’que. • Issued QA memorandum (QAO#2s 2014) – Full implementation of the 5S System effective SY 2014-2015 • Issued QA memorandum (QAO#3s 2014) – 5S 2nd Quarter Assessment Visit (July 24 and 25, 2014). • On-going completion of documents for SEC application of OCAA • Launched the New Alumni FB page. • Scheduled Alumni General Assembly on 3rd week of October 2014 for the election of new set of OCAA officers for 2014-2016. Ms. Eileen Cambe presented the Feedback Mechanism. Dr. Eric Olivarez advised Ms. Eileen Cambe to use 5 in rating the feedback mechanism to make it more consistent. Newly hired employees were also presented. The tables show there is an improvement in each department from the month of January to June 2014. Newly hired employees were also presented. Feedback Mechanism Result FEEDBACK MECHANISM RESULT REGISTRARS OFFICE ATTRIBUTES MEAN MEAN MEAN Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-June Attending Staff/ Personnel Attentiveness 3.425 3.413 3.451 Courtesy 2.86 3.376 3.451 Friendliness 3.323 3.392 3.451 Helpfulness 3.325 3.373 3.451 Knowledge 3.359 3.365 3.451 Promptness 3.251 3.338 3.419 Service Provided to the Customer Quality of Service 3.08 3.22 3.55 Speedy Service 3.075 3.09 3.55 Work Environment Cleanliness 3.453 3.375 3.5 Orderliness 3.427 3.375 3.45 Systematic Process/ Procedure 3.365 3.34 3.45 Convenience 3.291 3.339 3.45 Aesthetic Essence 3.306 3.396 3.45 Outcome Error Free 3.139 3.066 3.47 Released on Time 3.119 3.114 3.41 Clear and Understandable 3.207 3.151 3.41 Reliable and Appropriate 2.745 3.169 3.41 Realizable and Workable 3.207 3.188 3.41 Satisfactory 3.177 3.281 3.41 FEEDBACK MECHANISM RESULT GUIDANCE AND TESTING CENTER ATTRIBUTES MEAN MEAN MEAN Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-June Attending Staff/ Personnel Attentiveness 3.372 3.571 4.0 Courtesy 3.4 3.5 4.0 Friendliness 3.45 3.533 4.0 Helpfulness 3.47 3.533 4.0 Knowledge 3.42 3.643 4.0 Promptness 3.37 3.642 4.0 Service Provided to the Customer Quality of Service 3.47 3.33 4.0 Speedy Service 3.4 3.25 4.0 Work Environment Cleanliness 3.78 3.616 4.0 Orderliness 3.85 3.616 4.0 Systematic Process/ Procedure 3.68 3.462 4.0 Convenience 3.615 3.539 4.0 Aesthetic Essence 3.58 3.462 4.0 Outcome Error Free 3.65 3.231 4.0 Released on Time 3.613 3.385 4.0 Clear and Understandable 3.45 3.462 4.0 Reliable and Appropriate 3.35 3.462 4.0 Realizable and Workable 3.45 3.538 4.0 Satisfactory 3.35 3.462 4.0 FEEDBACK MECHANISM RESULT ACCOUNTING S OFFICE ATTRIBUTES MEAN MEAN MEAN Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-June Attending Staff/ Personnel Attentiveness 3.347 3.29 3.438 Courtesy 3.274 3.32 3.438 Friendliness 3.309 3.29 3.438 Helpfulness 3.289 3.225 3.438 Knowledge 3.319 3.193 3.438 Promptness 3.189 3.225 3.438 Service Provided to the Customer Quality of Service 3.065 3.217 3.17 Speedy Service 3.091 3.087 3.17 Work Environment Cleanliness 3.361 4 3.17 Orderliness 3.31 3.261 3.17 Systematic Process/ Procedure 3.195 3.957 3.17 Convenience 3.195 3.348 3.17 Aesthetic Essence 3.18 3.913 3.17 Outcome Error Free 3.132 3.001 3.109 Released on Time 3.083 2.955 3.109 Clear and Understandable 3.13 2.997 3.109 Reliable and Appropriate 3.024 3 3.109 Realizable and Workable 3.057 2.954 3.109 Satisfactory 3.045 3 3.109 FEEDBACK MECHANISM RESULT HUMAN RESOURCE AND DEVELOPMENT ATTRIBUTES MEAN MEAN MEAN Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-June Attending Staff/ Personnel Attentiveness 3.5 3.636 3.536 Courtesy 3.63 3.636 3.55 Friendliness 3.5 3.546 3.42 Helpfulness 3.5 3.454 3.42 Knowledge 3.38 3.454 3.539 Promptness 3.5 3.454 3.5 Service Provided to the Customer Quality of Service 3.58 3.5 3.625 Speedy Service 3.63 3.55 3.625 Work Environment Cleanliness 3.75 3.6 3.542 Orderliness 3.63 3.55 3.542 Systematic Process/ Procedure 3.63 3.55 3.542 Convenience 3.5 3.55 3.542 Aesthetic Essence 3.5 3.55 3.542 Outcome Error Free 3.5 3.375 3.52 Released on Time 3.5 3.375 3.6 Clear and Understandable 3.5 3.375 3.625 Reliable and Appropriate 3.5 3.375 3.625 Realizable and Workable 3.5 3.45 3.455 Satisfactory 3.5 4 3.625 • HRD Updates RESIGNED faculty: QAD Layout Artist - Archie Lim BED Faculty - Fausto Oculam Jr. Head, Sci and Math - Engr. Caroline Rodriguez Chair, RT - Mark Anthony Torio Head, Criminology - Maita Guadamor Coll. Faculty - Dale Cataquis Newly hired: QAD Layout Artist - Garfel Lerin Crim. Faculty - Jerome Adanza - Francis Landrito - Jonathan Sicay Accountancy Dept. - Leonardo Lazaro Jr. President’s Day was presented by Mrs. Rose Vidallon wherein one of the options was to hold the birthday celebration at Diamond Hotel but the final approval is still with Mrs. Evangeline O. Ilas. Monthly reports and concerns were presented. Since there were no problems and other matter to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM. IV. UNIT DEPARTMENT REPORTS GUIDANCE AND TESTING CENTER ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2014 College Department • Ongoing initial interview for incoming freshmen and transferees. • Ongoing administering entrance examination for 1st semester SY 2014-2015 • Encoded and updated the statistics of Walk-In examinees for 1st semester SY 2014-2015. • Distributed marketing funnel to the Department Heads and Dean. • Issued god moral certificates for Graduated student, Scholarship and Transferees. • Interviewed S.A. and ELO Scholar with recruit. • Conducted exit interviews for those students transferred to other schools. • Interviewed new ELO, SA and Varsity Scholars. • Entertained and assisted inquiries for enrollment. • Attended marketing meeting. • Counseled students referred by teachers and parents. • Attended Annual Administrative Development Seminar 2014 held last May 28 and June 4, 2014. • Attended Annual Faculty Development Seminar 2014 held last June 5, 2014 at BED, AVR. • Attended Annual Non-teaching Development Seminar last June 7, 2014 at OC Conference Hall. • Attended Institutional Mass and Students’ General Orientation. • Evaluated the following activities/events. DATE ACTIVITY RATING QUALITY INDEX May 28, 2014 and June 4, 2014 Day 2: Annual Administrative Development Seminar 2014 4.307 Very Good June 5-6, 2014 Annual Faculty Development Seminar 2014 4.257 Very Good June 7, 2014 Annual Non-teaching Development Seminar 2014 4.148 Very Good June 14, 2014 Annual Student Assistant Seminar 2014 4.473 Very Good June 19, 2014 Institutional Mass and Students’ General Orientation 4.269 Very Good Basic Education Department • Ongoing administering entrance examination for S.Y. 2014-2015 • Ongoing initial interview for new students. • Entertained inquiries for enrollment. • Organized and presented the students’ Orientation. • Counseled students and pupils. • Attended first general assembly. • Evaluated the following activities/events. DATE ACTIVITY RATING QUALITY INDEX June 9, 2014 First General Assmebly 4.083 Very Good June 27, 2014 Students’ Orientation 4.394 Very Good LABORATORY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS JUNE 2014 • Mr. Francis Carpio and Mr. Mark Anthony Hagos attended Annual Administrative and Non-teaching Seminar. • The laboratory department submitted request letter of materials needed for the College of Health Related Sciences to the office of VP for Academics and Services. • Laboratory department conducted students’ orientation with regards to the laboratory policies and laboratory services during the students’ general orientation. • Construction of assessment center for TESDA programs was done. • Spot-up checking of various laboratory equipment and facilities. • General cleaning was conducted in all laboratory facilities from Basic Education Department to College Department. OFFICE SUPPLY JUNE 2014 • My office is continuously organizing the documents in relation to 5S. • May also remind everyone that the requesting of materials is every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only. This is to allow me to properly manage the stocks in my office. • Received and released requests of office supplies from different department. • Produced multiple copies of documents by request through photocopying machine. • Receive delivered supplies from the suppliers. • Finished tasks given by my superior. STUDENT ASSISTANT SOCIETY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT (JUNE AND JULY 2014) JUNE Elected Officers for the school year 2014-2015 President: Banta, Mary Grace Vice President: Ligad, Bryan Secretary: Mangubat, Lorraine Treasurer: Lazado, Direne Auditor: Advincula, April Ann PRO: Magno, Roman John Representative BED BLDG: Blasabas, Darwin Chowking Area: Palencia, Denley New BLDG: Doctor, Karei Old BLDG: Francisco, Joshua JULY July 11 – First SA Officer meeting July 18 – SAS General Meeting July 20 – Practice for President’s day CANTEEN / BOOKSTORE UPDATES: • Prepared foods for Administration Seminar. • Prepared foods for Faculty Development Seminar. • Prepared foods for Non-teaching Seminar. • Ongoing delivery of books in the Bookstore. • Conducted training for new hired canteen personnel. • Continuous practicing of 5S. • Maintain cleanliness and orderliness. • One of my staff was transferred to Finance Department. • Maureen Jalac was not reported since May 22, 2014 so I declared as AWOL. • Start ordering or purchasing of foods items needed in the canteen. CONCERNS: • Reported to the Maintenance Department to repair the leak of rooftop in the canteen. • Electric fan was not repaired. • Requested 6 pcs. New garbage can. REGISTRAR Prepared and accomplished the requested documents • CAV • Form 137 • TOR • Diploma • Honorable Dismissal • Applied the documents of the foreign students and immigration. • Applied the special order at CHED for BS PT and BST Graduates. • Applied the special order at TESDA for six month caregiving NC II. Assisted the enrollees for first semester 2014-2015. • June 9 – Class started for Graduate school, College and Basic Education Dept. • June 30 – Submitted the application for initial permit of BS Custom Administration. INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER • Mr. Melquiades Alipo-on regularly supervises Olivarez College, Tagaytay Library. • Mr. Melquiades Alipo-on worked on the compliance for BS Criminology program. • The library staff attended the annual Non-teaching Seminar on June 7, 2014 • Mr. Melquiades Alipo-on hosted the Annual Administrative Seminar on May 28 and June 3, 2014. • Mr. Melquiades Alipo-on attended the Annual Faculty Seminar on June 9, 2014. • The Instructional Media Services (IMS) staff provided sounds and lights in different school activities. • The Library staff worked on the professional holdings of Business, Masscom, Pol. Sci. and Psychology. • The Library staff helped in the marketing activities of the school. • Mr. Melquiades Alipo-on attended the meeting of the Consortium of the South in Southville International School. • Mr. Melquiades Alipo-on presented the Library services in the students’ General Orientation on June 19, 2014. • The library received library materials from the Cong. Eric Olivarez. • The Library received book donations from Ms. Marlene Aguilar, sister of Actor Freddie Aguilar. SCHOOL CLINIC • Continuous medical and dental consultation for both students and employees. • Continuous hepatitis B vaccination of all CHRS students and Hepatitis A and B vaccine to THRM students and referral to Olivarez General Hospital for their laboratory examinations. • Continuous free Tetanus Toxoid vaccination to all students and employees. • Continuous RBS to all employees • June 7, 2014 – Non-teaching Seminar • June 10, 2014 – Tetanus, Deworming, Vitamin A, Measles vaccines are delivered • June 19, 2014 – attended the College Orientation • A total census of 569 for medical and dental reports of students, staff, employees and student assistant Prepared By: Approved By: Dr. Elaine Grace C. Bognot Dr. Eric L. Olivarez Head, School Clinic/School Physician VP – Academics and Services
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:07:23 +0000

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