Non-vegetarian food can be eaten only after leaving humanity - TopicsExpress


Non-vegetarian food can be eaten only after leaving humanity Compassion cannot be separated between human beings and animals. Cruel actions towards animals will directly affect behavior towards human beings. One who understands having affection & love for a human being, will never be cruel & merciless to animals. The famous travelers, Fahiyan and Marco Polo, have written that, “Aside from a wretch, nobody eats non-vegetarian food in India,” As per our religious books, non vegetarian food is always reprehensible. Non vegetarianism is frowned upon by various cultures throughout the world. Buddist and Jain philosophies are based on non-violence and Vaishnavs also treat non-vegetarianism as a sin. The same concept is mentioned in Hindu holy books such as the Vedas and Purans. The Bible says “Oh, what are you seeing, do open your mouth in favor of animals which are being cut.” Christ also praises vegetarianism in saying, “Do not hurt anyone neither kill animals nor eat meat.” Similarly, the Quran says, “God never forgives those who cut green trees, sell human beings, cut animals, and have relationships with another’s wife. One who has mercy on others will get mercy from the God.” We must analyze the disadvantages of non-vegetarianism and act according to our basic nature and tendencies to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy. Practicing non vegetarianism can be seen as mercilessness and cruelty towards animals. It will be beneficial if we, ourselves, get out from such cruel habits otherwise we will demonstrate the same cruelty towards human beings, and then the world will become hell.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 08:16:52 +0000

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