Noor Another mole-speak. Orwellian logic, vacuous, not caculated - TopicsExpress


Noor Another mole-speak. Orwellian logic, vacuous, not caculated to add value but increase sham democracy Noise without attaining any breakthrough. Ingratiating himself w the Public. Ular bawah selimut! Agent provocateur and IB. Hoarding of our money and hoarding of power in Parliament. The PAP has long been overdue in vacating their seats in parliament and it is due time to release to us what is rightfully us. If you are unable to listen to us please step down and admit you are unable to perform your job, be a good sport and pass the torch to the next better player or a potential player and let the people be the judge. Losing has never crossed the minds of LKY and gang, when they did lose on an even playing field, their cognitive dissonance kicked in and they shift the goal post to suite their reality. This shows that PAP has been living a lie and unable to accept defeat graciously. Are you willing to accept leaders who are unable to admit their mistakes graciously. Are we going to stand by and allow PAP to force their reality on the electorate? Because of this mindset, the PAP government is not able to look pass their wallets and reinvent, they have become one dimensional, as there is no incentive to change, due to a severe lack of political competition. The power is in their hands. It is like a food stall that sells stale ingredient and are rude to the customer because the customer has no other stall to patronize, the only stall owner has no incentive to improve. The PAP government has made it in such a way that no other parties can compete with it, by cheating the system. We have to stand up and make them accountable. The power hoarding and PAP dissilusion has become so concentrated that an ex PM has the cheek to call us daft right at our face without suffering any consequences. Let us bring consequence to them let us discipline this spoilt child, we call the PAP government. Let us vote more opposition (disciplinarian) in to force change the political mindset of those so called ministers In case you havent noticed, these ministers tend to approach the electorate very condescendingly. They tend to talk down on us Singaporean. This is a habit, instilled by non other then the elitist mindset of the old man himself, in conclusion, here is what we can do, apart from voting in more opposition.When we seek the assistance of any government agency or civil service, question their methods and do not yield. Do all these if you know you are not in the wrong and have nothing to fear. Dont be threatened by authority as they are human and do make mistakes. Get all the correspondence and if possible try to record any interaction with them. Post it online to shame the devil. Thanks to social media, numerous government mistakes and attempts to cover up has come to light.It is time to question the status quo and inject some standards into the system Please share and reshare, debate and debunk. Thank you — with Molly Meek and 8 others. 18 SharesLikeLike · · Share Gilbert Louis, Chia Bobby, Alex Sng and 44 others like this. Weerachai Intarapong They created the Grc system because they were losing popularity everywhere. The other thing that bothers everyone is they keep redrawing the Grc boundaries. Its going to backfire on them. One shot they will lose 5 or 6 seats. We need to vote in a few more Grcs for opposition parties. They have totally lost their plot. They wont admit their mistakes, they wont listen to people nor will they eat humble pie. We need to vote the useless ministers out in 2016 before the influx of more pro PAP foreigners. If you look carefully, all the woes were brough on by LHL and his arrogant, useless team 6 August at 16:20 · Like · 14 Ahmad Zainal #Gilbert Gilbert Goh, Lawrence Chong, Anirban Kar Chaudhuri, Tan Yong Sim, Robert Guo, Walter Gan, Joe Tan, Mboyan Atuk, Lim Wendy, Goh Michael, Leslie Chew, Essie Joh, English Bengz, Faizal Maidin, Linda Lai, Yogisan Rajagopal, Jane EvilTwin, Lim Meng Yong, Robert Teh, Jason Lee, Eric Seow, Delson Moo, Hong Lee, Flying Flyin Solo, Jentrified Citizen, Bernard Deng, Roy Ngerng Yi Ling, Leong Sze Hian, Laurence Rappa, Jahangir Ibrahim, Chris Ho, Lim Oo, Christopher Chaw, Junjie Huang, Johnny Kwok, Peter Chio, Neng Chan Ho, Arjun Bunga Rampai, Han Nakata, Suai Ke Lin, Johnny Wong, Yamaguchi Gumi, Dudee Guo, Liew Chin Fu, Belinda Sunshine, Mahaboob Baatsha, Rahman AL, Ricky Ricki Martini, Rick Zi, Sugu Maran, Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Leong Pat, Errol Tan, Alex Sng, J KS Leo, Syed Muhd Bashir AlAzmatkhan, Striking Angel, Vivian Pan, Vto Pap, Active Citizenry, Dean Mohamed, Kava Kaur, Chia Bobby, Osman Sulaiman, Ariffin Sha 6 August at 16:33 · Like · 7 Suai Ke Lin Trully honest description if actuality. ...whats there we dont know 6 August at 16:59 · Like · 6 Ahmad Zainal # Lauschke Amy, Angela Tan, Bruce WM Wee, Helen Meow Meow. 6 August at 18:09 · Like Ranjan Nair Another motherhood statement from an IB and Agent Provocateur. Support for the PAP is at an all-time low of 60.1% and may slide as life gRanjan Nair Another stereotypical imotherhood statement from an IB and Agent Provocateur. No value added at all ! The Leeregimes and cronies feared most on NGO,Human Rights and Social Political Activists in the Republic of Singapore Ranjan Nair Another motherhood statement from an IB and Agent Provocateur. Support for the PAP is at an all-time low of 60.1% and may slide as life gets tougher for ordinary Singaporeans and the rich-poor chasm gets wider by the hour. PM Lee should thank his lucky stars if the PAP manages to form a minority government after 2016 as his party has long overstayed their welcome. Right now, all eyes are on Ngerng as he stands his ground against PM Lee in a David vs Goliath battle of epic proportions. Whatever the outcome, it cannot bode well for Singapore’s ruling elite. Noor Found another mole/agent provocateur chatter .
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 10:26:49 +0000

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