Nope. I dont follow a prescribed diet. I do believe that the way - TopicsExpress


Nope. I dont follow a prescribed diet. I do believe that the way the food pyramid was CHANGED to (remember that thing?!?!) was WRONG. You need more fruits and veggies than breads. But thats MY opinion. I need proteins because I am muscle building. I am gluten-lite by CHOICE. There are studies (a significant one done at Mayo) that show significant health benefits for women with PTSD. So I watch for hidden wheat (mostly flour). But if I want a slice of bread or a SERVING of pasta, I plan it in. I only plan out 3 days in advance...its hard for me to stick to anything I plan out further. But thats me. And its about where your calories come from that matter! Complex or simple carbs? Proteins? Fats? You need them in different amounts. Example? Went to McDs for SGT Ds breakfast the other day. 3 burritos, a sausage biscuit. 1630 calories. Oh! Plus a 32 oz. soda (dont ask). MY breakfast, same day: a clementine, a single-serve Chobani, 3 egg whites, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, avocado, cheese, a cup of fruit, and a cup of cottage cheese. 637 calories. Good protein/carb/fat split. I was STUFFED. Learn what makes your foods. Eat clean if thats your thing. Know what a serving size is. Eat to FUEL. (Hard, I know. Food is a very emotional thing) Watch for fads and buzzwords (uranium and lead are also gluten free...just sayin...). BE EDUCATED. And dont starve. Understand you need a certain number of calories just to breathe, circulate blood, etc. Youll need calories beyond that for movement. And beyond THAT for muscle building and repair (even if youre not trying to push a 250lb deadlift). Know your base. And dont starve. So many plans have you starving (youd be surprised at which ones, too!). Put your body into starvation mode and when (not IF! WHEN) you eat normally, your bodys going to store everything in preparation for the next (self-inflicted) famine. It doesnt want to die from starvation! {Hence why diets seldom work} Admit that youre going to have off days...when youre over calories a smidgen, and they come from not-so-great sources. But know that ONE DAY wont break you. Its when that day becomes a week, and a week becomes a month, and...well you get it...of bad choices that it effects your health. AND get off the scale everyday. Your weight will change based on a lot of things...water retention being a big one (which, by the way, can also be caused by NOT DRINKING ENOUGH WATER!!! DRINK YOUR WATER!!!) Want accurate results? Weigh in ONCE A WEEK. And thats it. And even THEN remember the scale is ONE TOOL of many used to measure success. You are NOT a number. Know your food. Eat to support your activity level. Eat the RIGHT types if things to fuel. Theres TONS of free guidance out there. Starvation and self-denial wont work. Dont sabotage yourself. Eating and fueling is common sense, not rocket science. Promise.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 19:44:28 +0000

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