Norm and I were talking earlier this morning at 8 am, and I said - TopicsExpress


Norm and I were talking earlier this morning at 8 am, and I said to him……..Prophet, what’s the word of the Lord for today? And as soon as I said that, I heard………..”Come up hither!” Norm immediately responded and said, the word of the Lord for today is “Change your perspective!” How about that? Two prophets confirming each other’s words. Peter said in Acts 6. when they consecrated the deacons that it was not the job of the Apostles to wait on tables but to pray and study the Word, to seek the Word and to seek heaven, to see what God was doing. We know that Ephesians 2:20 says that the foundation of the church are the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus being the Chief Cornerstone. As Apostles and Prophets. we must seek the Word and heaven to find out what God is doing today in order to release that “picture” and that order in the earth. Bill Johnson says it this way, “when heaven invades earth”. Then in Revelation 4:1, John is told to come up and see what has to happen. Today, you must change your perspective. You must stop looking at your lives through the earthly lens and see your life from the heights of heaven. It’s only when you se the big picture of what God is doing, that things come alive. Your picture must be big enough to obscure your temporary present circumstances. When you do, your life will no longer seem mundane, going from day to day, doing the same thing, experiencing the same thing, concentrating on barely making it. We pay attention to what other people are saying in our local area and we’re constantly amazed at the lack of vision and the lack of perspective from God’s point of view. If God was not manifesting Himself so extraordinarily, doing such amazing things, it would be a different story. But today is the most thrilling time to be alive. As visionaries, all we have to do is line up with God to see His hand in everything, shaping and molding us into a spiritual force that dominates every situation. He is building us up into a SPIRITUAL HOUSE returning to the First Commission to do the Great Commission, as Don Atkin would say. Learning to live in this realm means you live there entirely by faith and much of it unknown, like Abraham when he left Haran. But in all the days of history, this is the most exciting time to be alive and He chose YOU to be in it, so you could be part of His grand plan and purpose. So the Lord says, “Come up hither and I will show you great and awesome things that are yet to be. Don’t settle for pecking day to day and keeping your eyes on the ground like the turkey when youve been designed to soar like an eagle. When you look down at life from My perspective, everything changes. The panorama shifts and what seemed afar off and blurred, is now right up front and much clearer. A paradigm shift occurs in your entire being when My abode become your continual habitation. You will be Kingdom minded instead of earthly minded. You will be spiritually minded instead of carnally minded. You will see yourself as the Overcoming Champion I made you to be instead of a loser. Nothing will deter you. Your vision will become laser-sharp because you will only see with My eyes. Your words will be utterly effective because they will be My words. This is what I have for you, My people, but you must come up, come hither, come up to where I live,” says the Lord. “After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice which I had heard addressing me like [the calling of] a war trumpet said, Come up here, and I will show you what must take place in the future.” Rev. 4:1 AMP
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 14:10:11 +0000

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