Normal people allow themselves to get aroused over situations, no - TopicsExpress


Normal people allow themselves to get aroused over situations, no matter how insignificant the situation is. Free Spirits have calm spirits. The benefits of having a calm spirit are the following: You have a decluttered mind. Your emotions are not erratic. You are more open and willing to go with the flow in life. You are not in constant turmoil or overwhelmed. You are relaxed under stressful situations. You do not overreact. You are at peace when the people around you are not If you want to develop a calmer spirit, read and follow my tips below. As you consistently do these tips, you will develop a natural sense of serenity as you live in this hectic, unpredictable world. Stop rushing – Drive slower, speak slower, and take your time with projects. Don’t allow the pressure that normal people have about getting to their destination or finishing as fast as possible affect you. Listen to relaxing music, like classical – Allow your mind to wonder with the flow of the music. Always choose to remain honest – People who lie have inner turmoil. If you are free from judgment and the fear of the unknown, then there is no reason to lie. Reflect on the day and let it go before going to bed – Whatever happened in the day, let it go before going to bed. Reflect on what you learned, but wake up to a new beginning. Expect less – You’re not guaranteed to do or be anything in this world, so don’t expect anything. Just be open to receive whatever comes to you. Be more active – Declutter your mind by staying active. Take a walk or jog outside, try yoga, or dance. Give more – Free Spirits aren’t attached to things too much, so it’s easy for us to give. There’s so much you can give. Give someone help, time, money, advice, love, or appreciation. Laugh as often as you can – laughing is one of the best things you can do for your soul. Don’t take things too seriously – If you take things seriously, then you will always be on edge. Write more – writing is a way of expressing yourself, and it helps you get your thoughts and feelings out. Be open and accepting – Be open to change, allow it to happen. Life is a roller coaster, there are ups and downs – don’t fight the cycle. Smile when there’s no reason to smile – Smile just because. Don’t make other people’s troubles your own – If it doesn’t involve you, then stay away. Quickly eliminated worrying or fearful thoughts – If you allow fear to build inside you, it will cause havoc on your spirit. Deal with whatever is causing you to worry immediately. Trust in a power higher than yourself – Develop a relationship with your higher power. Rely on Him and trust him. Be nicer - Allow people to get in front of you while you’re driving and hold doors for people. Being nice makes you feel good about yourself. Be appreciative and take nothing for granted – You have so much to be thankful for. Try to recognize it as much as possible. You’re reading this post, give thanks that you have sight. You have access to a computer, give thanks that you have access to an unbelievable amount of information. You can read, give thanks. Stay away from negativity – Make the effort to stay in a happy mental place. Don’t watch the depressing local news and stay away from negative people. Spend time outdoors, especially on a beautiful day – Go for a walk at a park or sit outside to read a book. Don’t bottle up your emotions – express yourself. Allow your emotions to freely flow out from you. Stop trying to be perfect – Mistakes are part of life, so let it happen. When you make mistakes, you learn something you wouldn’t have learned had you not made the mistake.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 00:12:25 +0000

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