Normally I dont get very involved in racial issues, either in - TopicsExpress


Normally I dont get very involved in racial issues, either in public conversation or on a public forum. The main reason for this that in my opinion , being a white male, I have never really endured racism as directed at me with any real degree of malice. This is not to say that I havent dealt with a pissed off black person, Latino, or otherwise, but by and large it does not happen, so how would I ever honestly have an educated opinion from the receiving end? Today being MLK day I took pause as I typically have during moments of reflection on historic events. I will say right from the start that I can see areas where the black community could use vast improvement. That said I can also see just as many areas in my fellow Caucasians, and perhaps more. The reason I say more is that if you look at current demographics, and past policy, we have been again by and large, the pampered class. Weve enjoyed more privilege, certainly more power both locally and internationally. Far less of our people die in infancy, and far more go to college(even with government college funding), simply put, historically speaking, any way you calculate it, weve had more opportunity than challenge. Martin Luther King wanted his people to get a fair shake. Thats it. He opposed the unbalance of power and privilege in American society, and he did so in an organized, articulate, and civil manner. Malcom X thought him a bit of an Uncle Tom for his passive ways and unwillingness to achieve goals through any means necessary, yet he remained just as determined to achieve that goal. He didnt resort to violence, Ive never heard a speech in which he denigrated whites simply because they were white. The man had made up his mind that could not stand by any longer watching the balance of liberty and freedom continue to ignore African Americans, so he did something about it. Can you blame him? I have a handful of people I consider heros in my life. Martin Luther King is one of them.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 21:54:46 +0000

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