Normally I dont watch videos but since this guy Hagins has ran - TopicsExpress


Normally I dont watch videos but since this guy Hagins has ran away from a debate with me before on this topic, I want to point out how off he is just like I showed some of his other followers before. Here is the actual video youtube/watch?v=QqFtpV4i4zs His video The council that created Jesus Christ is full of inaccuracies and outright lies @ 4:22 of this video he says that the temple of Dendera contains the first zodiac. Just how ignorant can this guy be about Egypt? The sculptured Dendera zodiac (or Denderah zodiac) is a widely known Egyptian bas-relief from the ceiling of the pronaos (or portico) of a chapel dedicated to Osiris in the Hathor temple at Dendera, containing images of Taurus (the bull) and the Libra (the scales). This chapel was begun in the late Ptolemaic period; its pronaos was added by the emperor Tiberius. THE EGYPTIAN ZODIAC DID NOT HAVE TAURUS OR LIBRA!! THOSE ARE GREEK SYMBOLS!! @ 8:50 Hagins says Nothing is as backwards as having an African brain with a European philosophy in it, which I found interesting because everything he teaches is based upon European philosophies. @ 16:05 Hagins says that the Egyptian name Meryamun Setepenre means beloved of god and chosen of god. THATS A LIE! Meryamun Setepenre means Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Re!! This is some basic Egyptian religion knowledge!! If he cant get that right, then how can he understand anything else!! He also begins to talk about how Ptolemy I wanted the Egyptians to make him a god and HE BEGAN TO MURDER EGYPTIANS BECAUSE THEY WOULD NOT WORSIHP HIM AS GOD. Then he says that Ptolemy found some one to make an image of him and that Ptolemy found some sell-out priest in the city of Memphis that agreed to make an image of him. HOWEVER, THESE EVENTS ARE NOT RECORDED ANYWHERE IN HISTORY! History says that Ptolemy became a monarch in the Hellenistic whole while at the same time continued the line of god-kings in Egypt, wisely paying at least lip service to the prominent priesthood, who not only helped keep the population in check but also provided an excellent civil service that provided the country with stability and allowed it to prosper. It was the priesthood that kept the people in check, so theres no way that he was going around executing anyone over any religious matter because the priest had always had the final say so over the people. History shows that in a lot of ways Egypt was dominated by its priesthood!! Now this is where it just becomes hilarious. Notice the image of Ptolemy @ 16:05 of this video. Clean shaven and relatively short hair. Then @ 17:34 he says that when they made the image it came out looking like Serapis with long hair and a beard!!!! And where did the cup come from?? Where was Ptolemy EVER SHOWN WITH long hair and a CUP ON HIS HEAD????!! IF he had some one make an IMAGE OF HIM THEN THIS CERTAINLY COULD NOT HAVE BEEN IT!! And whoever made it would have been put to death for mocking him. First of all the image of Serapis was not made in Egypt, it was stolen. How the statue came to be in Alexandria at this temple is of some interest. Tradition holds that, while Ptolemy was considering the possibility of a hybrid god to unit the Egyptians and Greeks, he had a dream, wherein a colosssal statue of some god appeared to him and bid the king to remove it to Alexandria. According to Plutarch (De Iside et Osiride, 28), he had never seen a similar statue, and he knew neither the place where it stood, nor to whom it belonged. One day he happened to mention his dream to Sosibius, and described the statue which he had seen, whereon this man declared that he had seen a statue like it at Sinope. Tradition says that this was Sinope on the Pontus, and adds that as the inhabitants of the city were extremely unwilling to part with their statue, it, of its own accord, after waiting for three years, entered into a ship and arrived at Alexandria safely after a voyage of only three days. However, others provide that after three years of futile negotiations, Ptolemys men simply stole, the statue, claiming that it had boarded their boat on its own. Read more: Second of all, if you believe that this man was killing innocent Egyptians because they wouldnt worship him as god. Certainly whoever came up with this image at 17:34 of this video which looked nothing like the image of Ptolemy at 16:05 of this video; got executed!! How would the Egyptians know who this god was if it looked nothing like their Pharaoh????? What really happened was that Ptolemy sought to consolidate the religions of the Egyptians and Greeks by actually creating the worship of a new god named Serapis, which was in reality a composite deity made up of both Egyptian and Greek gods. Ptolemy I established for this god the Sarapeion in Alexandra, a temple dedicated to the god which also held a daughter library to that of the Great Library of Alexandria.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:28:14 +0000

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