Normally I wouldnt do this but honestly feel it is the only way. - TopicsExpress


Normally I wouldnt do this but honestly feel it is the only way. Say what you all want... Krystal Violet Tyree/ Violet Tyree I am publically calling you out in hopes maybe something will actually sink in! I have told you a few times before, with you agreeing that you understand and will stop, that certain things with the girls CAN NOT happen. It is not good for their wellbeing and no one is going to put up with it. You need to stop being unavailable and just assuming that someone is going to be there/ be able to take care of them. I love Alyssa and Leah very much and you cant just leave them or have them left somewhere without TELLING someone. Dont give me the excuse about a broken phone either. Everyone pretty much has a phone and in the case of dropping Leah off at the apartment on several random mornings without notification you were able to be on facebook but not able to message me? Hmmm. As far as last night, I texted Lauren so my number was on her phone and also had called your mom so you cant say you didnt have my number. You also dropped Alyssa off up the hill from my house, coulve just stopped by to let us know where she was and to expect her. Everyone was alseep (Dwayne also had to be up for work this morning) and your dad didnt even wait to see if someone was able to let your 11 year old CHILD in at 2am. No one heard her knock on the door. My parents have a window unit and fan going so they didnt hear her knock on the window. We were out cold and she had to knock hard enough that a broken glass piece falling out was what woke me up. If it wasnt for that, I might not have heard her either. That is putting her in danger!!! She would have either been stuck outside or wound up walking down 5th Ave at 2am. Get it!?! Love the girls being here and do not mind if they visit home or their mams on our weeks having them but to not be informed is not cool on so many levels. Also, when a child comes for the week and has no appropriate clothes for school because they are all dirty it is not acceptable, if you need to send them anyway and we will wash them. More than a few things they have said, which I will not air out of caring about you and you can feel free to discuss with me, are 1. Disgusting and 2. Straight up NEGLECT enough to make me lose faith in you. I love you very much, always will, and you are an awesome friend but you really need to look at your priorities and the way you are handling parenthood lately. We realize you are in a tough spot, so are we. When it comes to the girls we will help in anyway possible. Dwayne has even offered to take them both long enough for you to get things straightened out if need be but apparently that idea makes you paranoid.... too bad the thought of not knowing for sure that your children are being taken care of safely doesnt. Please prove me wrong about what you are doing lately. I dont want to lose hope in someone I care for like the way I care for you. This is not good at all sweetheart.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 15:05:03 +0000

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