Norris Charles endorses Ronald Charles In my capacity as the - TopicsExpress


Norris Charles endorses Ronald Charles In my capacity as the former UWP candidate and Parliamentary Representative of the Roseau Valley from 1995-2009, i would like to unequivocally endorse the nomination of Ronald Charles by the Roseau valley Constituency Association. I Would also like to congratulate Ronald for taking up this awesome responsibility and to give him the assurance that I will give him every support and assistance to ensure his victory in the Roseau Valley , despite what Mr Skerrit or anyone else say about him, we are proud of this Young Rising Star in the Roseau Valley. I have always been of the firm conviction that Skerrit has to inflict destruction to himself and the Labour Party. So the more he utters his gutter criticism about those fantastic UWP Candidates the greater will be his defeat at the polls , whenever he calls elections and the sooner the better for Dominica sake. Last time Skerrit referred to the the UWP Candidates as UNEMPLOYED AND LOITERERS, now he is criticizing Ronald Chares for once being employed at Island Car Rental owned by AutoTrade .What is wrong with that Mr Skerrit? For your information sir, at that time he had a Bachelors degree in Social Studies from the UK. Ronald has been a dedicated community worker in Trafalgar and in the Roseau Valley. He was a founder member of TRAFON a vibrant community Based Organization in Trafalgar in the eighties and nineties, a leader in the LOOK US Band from Trafalgar which was once a very popular Musical Band in Dominica and Ronald has been in the fore front organizing Basketball, Cricket and Football leagues in Trafalgar and in the Roseau Valley. So you see Mr Skerrit we have a highly qualified young man who is now a hard working Attorney to give us effective representation in the Roseau Valley.He is indeed our RISING STAR. NO more BIN BOBOL,No more FERTILIZER CORRUPTION,no more GALVANIZE SCANDAL and certaintly no DISRESPECT FOR OUR YOUNG LADIES. We are ashamed of this kind of representation from COLLIN MCINTYRE your candidate.Based on Mr Skerrit tantrums about Ronald Charles , it is fundamentally clear that he is as scared as hell.Save your sanity Sir , call elections now and i can assure you that the people of Morne Prosper, Copt Hall, Wotton Waven, Shawford Fond Canie, Trafalgar, BYack, Laudat and Cockrane will send Collin Mc INtyre packing and the people of Dominica will send you and your corrupt bunch of ministers to a quiet place where you belong to reminisce on your destruction of our people and our beautiful country. We love RONALD CHARLES in the Roseau Valley as a true SON OF THE SOIL. IT is for those reasons and many more which i shall illustrate later that i proudly endorse MR Ronald Charles as the NEXT PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ROSEAU VALLEY. MORE POWER TO RONALD AND MORE VICTORY TO THE WORKERS.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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