North Antrim and Londonderry UPRG find it disgraceful to once - TopicsExpress


North Antrim and Londonderry UPRG find it disgraceful to once again, have to condemn yet another vicious attack on an innocent Protestant from the heights in the early hours of Sunday morning. The 43yr old man is yet another victim of the sectarian vermin who obviously feel free to carry out these attacks knowing that the Police will stand by and let this happen. This attack comes only a week after another Protestant was savagely attacked and left for dead lying with serious head injuries by these same thugs and earlier in the past month we witnessed Protestant Children being attacked when walking in the 12th July Parade whilst the Police stood and just watched on. Coleraine Police recently issued a press statement after a vicious attack on another innocent Protestant following the Battle of the Somme Parade stating that they will be more Pro Active in their Policing of the area in future. The UPRG would ask when this new Policing approach is going to filter down to the Officers patrolling the streets of the Heights as the evidence above shows it isn’t working. The Protestant Community are becoming very angry at the lack of fair Policing and have no confidence in the Police Services at present especially when they saw late last year Police responding completely different in Loyalist areas of the town when they saturated Estates with TSG Units in meat wagons for weeks on end harassing local youths, setting up road blocks stopping residents in cars, taxis and food delivery drivers when entering the estates, foot patrols which saw officers in peoples gardens looking through residents windows. Whilst in the Heights the Police treat real criminal drug dealing vermin with kid gloves who are allowed to run amok and attack whoever whenever they like, this is not Fair Policing. The UPRG are finding it increasingly more difficult to have influence on young loyalists and our role in stopping them retaliating to these attacks is being hindered by poor policing.To that end we urge the Local Police in Coleraine to carry out the Pro Active Policing they promised last month before an innocent protestant gets killed by these drug dealing criminal lowlife. Admin 1
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:00:38 +0000

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