North Korea: The nest of flight 370. Dear sirs. I would like - TopicsExpress


North Korea: The nest of flight 370. Dear sirs. I would like to inform the Malaysian people, the World whole, and in special the relatives of all those on board of the Flight 370 that next Friday Earth will know about the fate of this plane. However, in fulfilling my duty I need to inform the world whole as well that the vanishing of this airplane is linked to an unbelievable Alien Standoff. This plane is landed somewhere in North Korea, and a part of the passengers were joined to thousands of people who has disappeared from their home around the world across the years. On the other hand I would like to let all you know that this plane underwent to the same situation of the Flight 447 that plunged into the sea in 2009. Regarding to this Boing 777, be sure that aliens are working in the lump with North Korea Hybrid humanoid to turn this aircraft Radar Undetectable, so as it can be delivered to terrorist cells like al-Qaeda, so as they can revenge of the USA by the killing of OBL, and the terrorist attack they are scheduling, can mean the green signal for the march of the Easter against Western, long ago predicted by Nostradamus. That’s commonplace we all to imagine that this attack would be against the USA, but actually their target must be considered as unpredictable, and targets as Israel, the Vatican, The Cayan Tower ( Dubai) for example must not be ruled out. However, next I have a resume of this Alien Standoff, and as soon as clues of this this plane in North Korea be detected and announced, I will be at the back and call of all you to grant further information and show the solution to solve it. Thanx! Angra dos Reis (RJ) Brazil, Wednesday 19, March 2014. 10:19 p: m. The true about the fate of the Flight HM 370. An Alien Conspiracy with the participation of Hybrid Humanoids from North, South Korea and China. As the World whole has witnessed, eleven days has gone since the Malaysian Airliner vanished with 239 persons, and the relatives of those on board becomes more impatient with the passing of the days, blaming the Malayan Government for the delaying to find the plane or for the lack of reliable information about this so weird happening. This way, what such the relatives of those on board as the world whole needs to know is the fact that the hijacking of this plan underwent had the participation of the hybrid humanoids infiltrated in the Chinese people, when they acted in the lump with the ones of North and South Korea. Seeking to make ones understanding easier, I would say that this so closed and mysterious Country (North Korea) hides underground alien’s bases, and those Aliens who hangs around these underground bases are of Zetarian lineage, who are the arc enemies of the Japanese people, holding an ancestral and millenary hate against Japan. In other words I would say too that there exist millions of Hybrid humanoids among the North and South Korea, as well as in China, and these Humanoids are doing their utmost to carry out their long sought dream that is to start the march of the Eastern against Western, long ago foretold by Michael De Nostradamus. So therefore, be sure that this plane was hijacked by some of these hybrid humanoids who were infiltrated amidst the passengers guised of Chinese Citizen, and on hijacking the plane, they turned off all the communications devices on board, heading one of their bases spotted in the back lands of North Korea, reminding that this airplane was hindered by some flying saucers on its way to the base, so that no radar couldn’t pick it up, stressing that the odds are in favor that there could be Hybrid Humanoid of Zeta amidst the crew members too. Reminding too that if most of the passengers on board of this plane were mainly North Americans, French, British, Germany, and Italian or from countries who struggle against Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other potential terrorism cells, the world could believe that this was a well scheduled hijacking, but as we know very well, most of the passengers were from China. However, the World can be sure that time and facts will show evidences that this so weird event can be look over as an extraterrestrial incident or standoff, or as a long scheduled Alien conspiracy, whose major purpose is to divert and puzzle the attention of the Western, remembering too that the future use of thousands of people from all over the World, who were considered as missing by their families across the years, as human shield during the invasion of the Western cannot be ruled out. This way, regarding such to the passengers of this Malaysian Plane, as to some passengers of the AF 447, I would say that they are as hostage in the bases existents in North Korea, where we still have thousands of people who disappeared mysteriously around the World. Regarding to the future of the plane, I would say that undoubtedly it is being prepared to be used in a terrorist attack resembling the September eleven, as soon as they achieve to make these airplanes radar undetectable with the use of alien technology, and concerning to their targets I would bet that the Vatican can be picked up as a potential target. Therefore, this Malaysian Plane hijacking was just the first of a series, and the next plane being scheduled to vanish can be a Flight en route from Japan to Brazil. However, I would like to advice the Malaysian Government to suggest all the countries linked to this never seen endeavor, to divert the attention of the searches to the borders of North Korea and India, because once the satellites starts to scan the borders and back lands of that so mysterious country, the mystery of this Flight vanishing will start to be unraveled, and the first clues are about to be detected from next March 21. And if you would like to know how this Alien Standoff will be solved, just visit my Blog: https:howtosaveaplanetinsevendays.blogspot
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 03:15:23 +0000

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