North Queensland cane farmers are well-placed to grow marijuana if - TopicsExpress


North Queensland cane farmers are well-placed to grow marijuana if new laws are passed to allow its use for medicinal purposes. The Federal Member for Dawson, George Christensen co-sponsored a private members bill last week to legalise medicinal marijuana. The bill is now with the Senate and the MP is touting health benefits, including pain relief, as well as the opportunities it presents for agriculture, as reasons to change the legislation. Industrial hemp has been trialled in the region for more than a decade, and it responds well to the ideal growing conditions, according to one grower. Cane farmer Joe Muscat has taken a particular interest in the crop and is researching its use for fibre as part of his Nuffield scholarship. Mr Muscat also supports the change to legislation, which could help add another market and expand the hemp industry. I agree 100 per cent with George [Christensen] that this could add value to this industry. Ive got absolutely no doubt that we can produce industrial hemp or marijuana here in this region. Were in the tropics, weve got high humidity, we generally get reasonable rainfall and theyre all the basic requirements to produce these crops. Mr Muscat is confident stringent regulations would reduce the potential for the plant to be used for illegal, recreational drug use. I certainly dont endorse anything thats drug-related because it has a detrimental effect on people. There does need to be the groundwork to make sure that [recreational use is not made easier]. Firstly, its important for the public to understand the difference between recreational and pharmaceutical use, Mr Muscat says. Theres other chemicals that can be extracted from this plant that dont carry the drug content. The CBD thats extracted [and used in liquid form for medical reasons] is not a drug. He says stringent regulations are already in place to ensure industrial hemp complies with the low THC values, which is the mind-altering chemical in marijuana. [Industrial hemp] and [marijuana] look exactly the same, youve really got to take it to a lab to determine [the difference], Mr Muscat said. Part of the requirements of our license is that an inspector can front up any day, go down to our paddock and take samples. He says the Act for growing industrial hemp stipulates the THC levels must be less than 1.2 per cent.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:08:19 +0000

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