Northumberland Wildlife Trust has joined forces with the Royal - TopicsExpress


Northumberland Wildlife Trust has joined forces with the Royal Society for Wildlife Trusts and the Society of Wildlife Artists in its search to find an artist prepared to take the plunge and seek inspiration beneath the waves. The Undersea Art Award will pay for an artist to undergo dive training with the opportunity to exhibit art inspired by marine life at the SWLA annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries. Previous winners have created wonderful art works which have been used to highlight the urgent need for designated Marine Conservation Zones. The Undersea Art Award has just been launched and applicants have until Friday 27 February to say how they’d make the most of the experience. The award, established in 2007, provides a bursary for an established artist to learn to dive and then to work underwater off the coast, recording the wildlife of the sea. The works created to raise awareness of the plight of our marine life from around the UK coast range from paintings to sculpture. Many great artists have been inspired by the Northumberland landscape including JWM Turner and LS Lowry; however this award isn’t just for painters and open to artists using a wide range of mediums and techniques. Aurelie Bohan, Northumberland Wildlife Trust Living Seas Officer said: “Northumberland Wildlife Trust would love to see an artist from this area apply - somebody special who can find Northumberland’s iconic undersea landscapes amongst seagrass meadows or find majestic monuments in the soft corals. Please help us find an artist to celebrate the wonderful undersea environment off Northumberland and raise awareness of our marine life.” Marine Conservation Zones are a type of protected area at sea where human activity is restricted to protect wildlife and habitats. The Government is creating these zones in the seas around England, following the passing of the Marine & Coastal Access Act (2009). These protected areas will allow sustainable use of the sea whilst protecting a range of species and habitats found in English waters from damaging activity. For more information and an application form please go to this link:
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:47:23 +0000

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