Nostradamus prediction : India will produce the immortal - TopicsExpress


Nostradamus prediction : India will produce the immortal ruler India will produce the immortal ruler, Seeing wisdom and power of unlimited scope,Asia will bow before this conquering scholar. The Nostradamian quatrain spells the doom of the creed of muslims and christians. The great Hindu leader who will wipe out our enemies will hence be an Indian who offers worship on Thursdays and will be brother of three sisters. It is easy to see why Nostradamus specifically mentions Thursday as the holy day. It is only Hindus who consider Thursday sacred. Nostradamus is making it clear here that the conqueror will be a Hindu from India. He will bind Asia together under his rule.The Hindu leader, however, will not be a tyrant. He will be ruthless with the Moslem fanatics. But he will win over the communists by persuading them of the timeless varieties of Hinduism. Russia will become India’s ally: Russia will be the first among Communist countries to abandon Marxism in favor of Hinduism. Shri Ramakrishna declared that his next birth would be to the north-west of India Let us now return to the Hindu holy war.Quatrain 59, Century IIIThe empire of Islam by Hindus overthrown,The majority of Moslems will succumb,To radio-active fall-out by India blown,Making Muhammad forever silent and numb.Interestingly, in his prose-introduction to the “Centuries”, the seer dwells at some length on the destruction of Islam and Mecca. The city will be smashed up in such a way that all those who enter it will sicken and die. The only interpretation of this forecast is that there will be radioactive fall-out in the area. Nostradamus declares that the Hindus will be engaged in the task of revenge for seven years from the seventh month of 1999. Interestingly, even Islamic texts predict doom in the 15th century of their religion.Let us now return to the Hindu holy war.Quatrain 59, Century IIIThe empire of Islam by Hindus overthrown,The majority of Moslems will succumb,To radio-active fall-out by India blown,Making Muhammad forever silent and numb.Interestingly, in his prose-introduction to the “Centuries”, the seer dwells at some length on the destruction of Islam and Mecca. The city will be smashed up in such a way that all those who enter it will sicken and die. The only interpretation of this forecast is that there will be radioactive fall-out in the area. Nostradamus declares that the Hindus will be engaged in the task of revenge for seven years from the seventh month of 1999. Interestingly, even Islamic texts predict doom in the 15th century of their religion . After the destruction (annihilation would be the exact word) of Islamic power, the Hindu leader will march on the Europe. Both Egypt and Israel will rally to his standard.The Hindu leader with Hebrew leaning,Marches on Rome and its allies,His ships sail from Libyan mooring,The Bible-chanting clergy dies.This tremendous onslaught will be bloody. In yet another forecast Nostradamus remarks that the Hindu army will lose 2,50,000 men. But victory will be attained. It will be decisive. Paris will be taken after a fierce siege. Hadrian will be killed in a vain defiance. At this juncture, Nostradamus makes a curious observation. He predicts that a tree in the center of Paris will crash down. What tree? Could it be the Eiffel Tower, built more than 300 years after his death? From a distance the Eiffel Tower rather resembles a giant oak-tree.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:39:01 +0000

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