Not Kashmir issue, regional harmony our agenda; have no ties with - TopicsExpress


Not Kashmir issue, regional harmony our agenda; have no ties with BJP: PRP ABID BASHIR Srinagar, Aug 23: Asserting that they have no political background and represent common people; leaders of a new political party- Peoples Republican Party ( PRP)- launched on Saturday, stated that their main agenda will be rehabilitation of victims of violence and reconciliation between various regions of the State. The PRP distanced itself from Kashmir issue stating that the issue is lingering since 1947 and they would like to work at the internal level. Addressing a press conference here, PRP spokesman Bashir Malik said the party leaders don’t have any political background and are common citizens. “ We are common people. Our goal is to weed out corruption from the State. We want to see JK as a corruption- free state,” Malik said. He said civil society members have been working over the past three years to constitute a pro- people party. “ Today, the process has culminated in the form of PRP,” Malik said. He said PRP will work for creating a board to ensure rehabilitation of thousands of victims of violence. “ So far there have been only announcements regarding rehabilitation of victims of violence, but on ground nothing has happened. We will ensure that a board is formed that would ensure the rehabilitation of victims like orphans, widows and other destitute,” Malik said. He said the PRP will also work for setting up of a reconciliation council to address the issues between regions and sub-regions of the state. “To maintain communal harmony, integrity and identity of the state, we will ensure a council that would help keep JK’s identity as a single unit intact,” Malik said.“There is lot of trust deficit between the regions and sub-regions created by some vested interests. The rehabilitation council will defeat such designs.”Speaking on the occasion, S Amin Andrabi, the Executive Committee member of PRP, said they have not elected the party president, chairman and other office bearers. “The process will be completed soon,” Andrabi said. He said the PRP will also take steps to safeguard water bodies of JK. “Besides, we will also work towards making JK an IT hub so that unemployed youth get jobs,” he said. “We want to see JK as a self-reliant state as it was before 1947.”On what is the PRP stand on Kashmir issue, Andrabi said they would like to work to address internal issues like corruption and nepotism so that there is transparency and accountability in the system. “Kashmir issue is there since 1947. Let us ensure justice to the people through a pro-people system,” said Andrabi. He was seconded by Malik and other leaders of the PRP.To a query whether PRP has the backing of BJP or any other political party, Andrabi said that the party is purely indigenous and has no support of any party. “We are in the field to defeat parties like National Conference, Congress and PDP, who are all running pro-New Delhi agenda. Our effort is aimed at addressing the miseries faced by common people,” he said.Intervening, Waseem Ahmed, another PRP leader, said that people of Kashmir can’t wait for a messiah to come from sky to address their issues. “Somebody has to stand up and take a call,” he said.Other PRP leaders present on the occasion included MY Kathwari, Avtar Bindroo, Advocate GM Tramboo, G M Dar, Shakeel Ahmed, Gowhar Ahmed, Sajad Qasim, Mufti Muhammad Hussain Haqani, Syed Reyaz, G A Khan, G M Mustafa, G M Bhat (Hamdard), Mufti Muhammad Sharief, Ghulam Mohiudin, Muhammad Akbar Rather, Ghulam Din Ghulshan, Dr G M Bhat, Muhammad Sultan Teli, Talat Majeed, Advocate Kulbushan Kaw, Ghulam Ahmed Bhat, Harjeet Singh and Advocate Bashir Ahmed War. Join Repoter → Asif Wani ←☆☆
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:46:49 +0000

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