Not Letting Depression Affect Your Relationship Relationships - TopicsExpress


Not Letting Depression Affect Your Relationship Relationships do have ups and downs. They cant be as perfect as you want no matter how you try but you can build it the way you want and choose to strengthen it by not letting little things like- depression ruin it. First of all you might be wondering what depression means. It can be described as a state of low mood and aversion that can affect a persons thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. Im simply gonna put it this way- depression means Lack of feelings. Its not that the feelings aint there, its just that when you are depressed, you dont feel or express it at that moment. Depressed people feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details or making productive decisions. Depressed mood is not always a psychiatric disorder. It may also be a normal reaction to certain life events. Everyone is prone to getting depressed anytime, the most important thing is you not letting it affect your Life and the people around you and Im basically talking about your relationship. For example if you are depressed you start taking into considerations whatever your mind throws at you and start seeing things from a different perspective. At this time, little things are bound to make you upset easily. Now lets look at how depression can affect your relationship negatively. For example youre having dinner with your spouse and you actually prepared the dinner and he says pass me the salt, your mind starts reading meanings to this little statement and you start thinking to yourself He thinks im a terrible cook and this is just an assumption. You actually dont know for sure if maybe thats what he thinks, he might just mean pass me the salt and you took another meaning to it, why? Its because of your state of mind. You are likely to be depressed and thinking that way might actually lead you to being more depressed. The best and easy way of not letting little things like depression come in your way is by having sometime alone. Dont go talking to your spouse that very moment about whatever you think your mind is telling you, just keep calm and try relax. If you try talking to your spouse about it when youre still feeling down and depressed, nothing good will actually come out of that conversation. When you are calm and you still think theres need to talk about anything to your spouse, then you can, by that time you make more sense and the conversation will be fruitful. Try to let go of whatever is getting you depressed, try to free your mind and dont take any decision while you are feeling depressed, dont take any negative thoughts your mind throws at you. Talk to your partner about it, when you are feeling depressed tell them you are kinda down, so they can assist you in anyway they can. Since depression is a lack of feeling, you dont feel anything at that particular moment and you also fail to express that feeling of love for your partner. What you feel inside is what you are likely to express. If you feel love, you express love likewise when you feel down and depressed, thats what you express. Its like that sometimes, just dont let little things like depression come in the way of your relationship = = = =
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 10:27:26 +0000

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