((Not a rp but tis quite the romantic tale I must say)) *sighs* - TopicsExpress


((Not a rp but tis quite the romantic tale I must say)) *sighs* there was once a young demon who fell in love with a young human girl they spent their lives together but she grew old and was going to die soon he sat by her at her death bed and began my love, forgive me... you are an only child... and i being my selfish self clung to you and we married... but all demons are born unable to create off spring i truly apologize for taking the privilege of having children from you and to show you my gratitude for loving me all these years i shall grant you one wish i will do any one thing for you there are no limits on this wish ask and it will be your the now old human woman turned her face to her husband and replied so young... she coughed as she lifted her hand to touch his soft smooth cheek my love she coughed once more my final wish before i die... is that... you be happy... no matter how alone you feel... remember... that i... will... she paused for a few moments and his eyes filled with worry then she continue i... will.. always be with you.... and will... always love you... no matter wh... she stopped and her hand fell from his face limp hanging off the bed his eyes letting out small tears he listened for her heart beat then stood looking out the window into the rose garden full of beautiful roses shed planted he began to weep and remember all the times he spent with her every single night and day the cold nights when shed snuggle close to keep from the winters merciless cold touch the summer days theyd sit together on the porch holding hands looking out into the streets watching the children play the rainy days when theyd run happily together and whisper words of love into each others ears he fell to his knees his hair drooping over his face as a puddle of tears form below him....
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 02:10:48 +0000

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