Not a story ... just a little Friday night joke ... The task at - TopicsExpress


Not a story ... just a little Friday night joke ... The task at hand. Were crafting the Furby/Ebay debacle. You wont believe how these Furbies have evolved. In the beginning ... I know what you think. I’m a loud-mouthed old Southern guy who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. It’s not true. I wish my ass WAS a hole in the ground. It’d probably function a little better. I’m a bit techno-savvy. It was, like the ’80s. Computers came out. I was the first one on board. I paid $5,000 for a 256 K IBM computer, thinking this thing was gonna be an oracle where I could just hit a button, and it would tell me anything I wanted. Not quite. All I could do was call long distance to some pervert in Little Rock and say things like, “Hey. You got a computer too.” But, I hung in there. The world wide web was growing at a great expense to me. I was still there in the late 1990s when this new thing called Ebay was launched. I was mesmerized. This new concept of e-commerce was quite profound. Potential for profits, in my mind, was huge. And, immediately, I thought, “I’ll just buy their shit, and resell their shit, and count my dollars.” Not that I knew what it was, but I was aware of what was this current rage called Furbies. People were beating each other over the head to buy these things. Then, I noticed one came up for sale. Slowly, there were two or three or four or eight and then twelve. So on and so forth. I bid on and bought them all. Fast forward, and let me paint the scene. I’m in my living room, my eyes glazed upon my monitor, with my fingers tickling the ivories. Behind me there’s all kinds of Furbies speaking all kinds of languages from Furbish to English. And, I have to pause because it’s feeding time. It is now the year 2014. As I wander down the hall, lined with Furbies, the last one speaks to me like an English doctor and inquires, “Have you ever considered a urinoscopy?”
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 05:25:00 +0000

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