Not all news is good or pleasing. In fact, some can be terrible, - TopicsExpress


Not all news is good or pleasing. In fact, some can be terrible, tragic, or just plain sad. But just because I share a story doesnt mean I like it, agree with it, or enjoy it. Sometimes, its just because its news. I use this, my personal page, to share news, weather, and other stories local, regional, national, and global that catch my attention - like them or not, agree or not. Its not an official position of any agency or entity other than yours truly, and nothing I repost or share here isnt readily available on Facebook or on the net, usually direct from one of a handful of local traditional news outlets that are in the business of reporting. So its not like Im breaking news here. Yep, some folks may not have seen the original story until they hit my personal page, but every one of the folks on here chooses to follow my page with their own free will for whatever reason. And everyone is welcome, even those with whom I disagree - unless they go vulgar or start attacking or bullying. Thats my choice. Its my page. Ive literally lost friends because I clicked share on a story thats already been posted by someone else. And I hate that, but accept it. Thats their choice. But, to me, its no different than my reading a printed newspaper and pointing out an article to you. I didnt write it. I may not even agree with it. But I think its something I thought youd be interested in. Your choice is to decline to read it if you want. But my pointing it out shouldnt imply anything. Period. I dont post to pick on people, to make light of situations. Dont infer otherwise. But I dont shy away when someone or something I know on a personal level is affected. Thats just not honest. To anyone. I dont cause the story. But rest assured, if I should ever fall from grace, I wouldnt ask for nor would I expect anyone to treat me with kid gloves or ignore my shortcomings. In fact, Id expect just the opposite. Id be surprised if there werent those who would celebrate it. And were all human, so it could very well happen to any of us. So if youre not comfortable distinguishing between my personal life and my job, delete me. If youre not able to argue your point without personal attacks or vulgarity, go away. If youre prone to getting angry and holding a grudge reading reposts of news stories, weather forecasts from this self-admitted hack, ramblings of an overweight, bow tie wearing hillbilly that likes to pour out buckets of verbosity as a means of some crazy system of self absorbed therapy, then this isnt your place. Its mine. And Ill do as I damned well please. Heck, Im over limit on contacts here, so I could use the room to add people who WANT to be on here! In short, life sometimes sucks. And if it sucks bad enough, it makes the news. And today, news travels at the speed of a key stroke. We all have to be diligent in everything we do, and expect our worst to be recorded and on youtube in an instant, whether its coming out of sedation from root canal surgery that somebody thinks is funny to much worse. Somebody, somewhere is watching and posting. And when we cross the line, well be hurt, angry. But lets pause and think where the feelings should be channeled. To that end, Ive pulled a repost from last nights news batch because the comments being posted were turning really ugly and really personal between posters. Thats ok if folks want to hash it out on their pages, but Im not into that. The story is a particular sensitive one to me anyway, because it directly affects a person with whom Ive considered to be a friend. Someone who is human. Someone who made a mistake. Its a story that the regional media picked up on sometime midday yesterday, and I only reposted late last night because it was already out there (and in much more unflattering light in other media) and its disingenuous to skip bad news - even when it involves a friend IMHO - since Ive chosen to use my personal page to share news and ideas and stories that affect those of us on here in one way or another. Its happened before, where friends made the news in ways that were less than flattering. But I either post local impact stories or I dont. And Ive chosen the latter, for good or for bad. The storys still out there, and for those who want to avoid my page, simply scan the regions media - Bristol Herald Courier, WCYB, WJHL, WVNS, WVVA, WSLS, WDBJ, and The Smyth County News online each morning and youll see every news story available to repost, just as I do. Like I said, Im not here to hurt anyone. But Ive angered folks with reposts about fires, car crashes, politics, guns, even benign subjects like holidays and weather, even bragging about a successful business or event or art work has raised the hackles of some folks. The easiest thing would be to close out my Facebook account and be done with it all, but I enjoy reading MOST of the things on here, conversing and exchanging ideas and thoughts and dreams - and gripes - with you guys. I grew up with a passion for news, spending half my life in that field. Its impossible to get that out of my blood. And I love our community. So things that affect us interest me, too. Even when its not pleasant. Even when its heartbreaking. Even when its personal. If Ive hurt your feelings, made you mad, upset you with a share or repost, know thats not my intent. Youre welcome to walk away with a click. But please dont devolve discussions into name calling and personal attacks on my page. Take it elsewhere. You always have the right to voice your opinions. I have the right to pull. Is there a lesson to be learned? For me, its knowing that every post on here has the potential to create a firestorm. And with each share comes the opportunity for a backlash. I accept that. I dont like it, but I understand it. And accept the consequences of my actions. If that means we cant be friends, thats your choice. And that saddens me as well. But its my personal page and Ill be sharing, reposting, commenting, telling tales, and sharing selfies just as I have for years. Its your choice to stay or go.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:41:41 +0000

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