Not all relationships last forever. Even some friendships run - TopicsExpress


Not all relationships last forever. Even some friendships run their course over time, especially if one person has grown more than the other. In our culture, we tend to think that if a relationship ends (or evolves into a different form), that means it was a failure. This couldnt be further from the truth. When two people connect (as friends, romantic partners, business colleagues, or etc etc), it may be for only a day, for months, for years, or even an entire lifetime or beyond. All relationships have value, no matter the length. Sometimes one person grows, changes, and evolves, and the relationship is no longer a healthy fit. This does not mean that the relationship is a failure, a waste, or that one party is wrong and the other is better. Not at all. Life evolves, and so do relationships. Sometimes, our work within a relationship is complete. We can acknowledge the learning and growing that we experienced, and have complete love and gratitude, even in the letting go. I am writing this today because I have let go of a dear friend, someone who was like a mother figure for me. I feel sad about it, but I am 100% certain that Ive made the right decision. I recently had a clear realization of how much she was trying to control my life, how much she was being fed by the co-dependent pattern of trying to fix me, and how this was keeping me from truly blossoming into my full potential. It took a certain level of personal and energetic growth on my part for me to be able to finally see and understand this pattern. I did have some hope that we would be able to evolve the relationship into a healthier friendship. But, the truth is that not everyone is able to shift. When I spoke up and set healthy boundaries with her (with kindness), it was met with lots of anger, projection, and blaming. She is not able to see yet that love does not equate fixing someone or controlling them. And so, for now, I am needing to let this relationship go and create some big space between us while I clear my energy. Clearing out all the energy cords has been an interesting process, and Ive been resting a lot due to pretty intense stomach cramping in my second and third chakras. Very glad to be moving this energy out. Setting boundaries. Sending love. Friends...have you ever had a relationship youve had to let go?
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 17:14:03 +0000

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