Not allowed to lift, no driving for 24 hours, how do you elevate - TopicsExpress


Not allowed to lift, no driving for 24 hours, how do you elevate the site when it is the uterus? So I am in the recliner with the laptop, resting. Now this would not be so bad, EXCEPT: The Little Tiger brought in a leaf she found in the dog yard. Poison sumac.....she refused to throw it away, she argued about putting it outside, she was totally determined to keep it and make a leaf picture with it, meanwhile she is touching it and her hands are on her face, and her arms and her chest.... so now she is getting a cold shower to wash the oils off then she will get a warmer shower. OH, and if the rebellion of the leave was not enough, Gary had left a long florescent bulb down and the dog broke it, and then Gary, hauling it to the trash managed to cut his hand on it....can we say this morning is chaotic? I want to go back to bed.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:24:05 +0000

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