Not everyone has figured into the equation the ramifications of - TopicsExpress


Not everyone has figured into the equation the ramifications of Obamacare going forward. Heres the straight skinny~! There is a simple reason the administration has systematically staggered the implementation of certain details within the law. There are parts of ObamaCare, or the Affordable Care Act, that have been postponed because they are unpalatable. As these provisions come into effect, the administration thus far is saying ‘we can’t handle this now so we’re going to delay it.’” At some point in the future, however, the other shoe will drop. When it hits the fan, expect mandatory registrations and penalties that will give Americans an even clearer look at what a disaster ObamaCare truly is. Any individual with an individual healthcare plan that exceeds $10,200 is in a ‘Cadillac plan’, meaning employers will have to pay “a 40 percent tax on the amount over the maximum established under the Affordable Care Act.” This represents the first time in American history that healthcare plans have been subject to a tax~!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:53:42 +0000

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