Not for those who dont like the direct approach and cant stomach - TopicsExpress


Not for those who dont like the direct approach and cant stomach confrontation: Genesee County Friend of The Court is filled with a, but for a tiny, tiny, tiny few, collection of absolutely desensitized, corrupt, ignorant, inefficient, man hating reprobates that should not only not have jobs but should have never been allowed to have a position with any kind of power over any human being period. It is an absolute travesty and that is framing it in the best possible light. You want to talk about discrimination? You want to talk about harassment? It is a system where it is 100% legal for jaded, nasty, tax payer funded, government clowns to do both against hard working, loving fathers who not only do what they are supposed to, but go far above and beyond anything a court could possibly order as every father should because it is for their children. Sheeeeeeesh. It is an absolute joke and a circus. Sorry to put you in the same category circus people. :/ It seems as though everyone knows this but yet they are allowed to continue their War On Good Fathers? Something needs to be done. We have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars correcting their errors, righting their wrongs, sharing with them what the laws really are (as they do not know), and have spent countless hours doing their jobs. The good news is we have fought through and have overcome this purposeful obstruction of my rights as a father every single time but none of it should have been necessary as it is 99 to 1 in favor of women no matter what the facts are. Women who are taking advantage of this when they know the truth should absolutely be ashamed of themselves and I trust that justice will have its say. I know their are bad, dead beat dads out there that deserve only accountability but that by far is not the norm.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:47:55 +0000

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