Not if, but when ISIS rears its ugly head here in America, and it - TopicsExpress


Not if, but when ISIS rears its ugly head here in America, and it will, citizens have the right to defend themselves and to expect our Law Enforcement or military to stand in that gap is ludicrous and irrational. Ever seen a practice response team in your neighborhood for something such as the likes of these demon driven excuses for human beings? No........Why? This Military always does practice drills, over and over again to ensure everyone is on the same page doing all the right things..........So when was the last time Homeland Security or whatever agency you want to name has done one of these???????????????? The illusion that we are safe is not acceptable. This president (Lower case) has allowed thousands to cross OUR borders unabated. He has supplied money and arms to our enemies including the Muslim Brotherhood........What makes anyone think or believe he intends on handling the affairs of our society in the event of mass killings over multiple targets across the entire United States? Imagine, as it was timed during the original 9/11 attack, terrorists boarded planes at exactly the right moment to carry out their deeds, all across America Shopping malls, power grids, trains, hospitals, schools, churches, day care centers are blown up with synchronized precision, not from the air, but on the ground??????????????? What then? Just who is going to do all that responding in all that chaos while we wait for a wave of more attacks? ISIS stated they were going to fly their flag over our Capital. Theyre not afraid to die. They are the worst of the worst opponents because they cannot be reasoned with and have nothing to loose but everything to gain. Intelligence communities say theyre already here and if they are, its not to go sight seeing, but to kill and destroy. No practice runs, they just hit everywhere dynamically causing so much chaos that our conventional infrastructure cannot possibly handle it. Oh, so you want to deal with this in a rational, well-behaved manner through our democracy? You mean like demanding that Ovomit do something about this immediate threat as though anyone has been able to successfully tell that man what to do anything?????? Just how much time needs to pass before the threat becomes reality and U.S. citizens are killed where they live, while they sleep????? And just where are all those Peaceful Muslims residing in this great country who should be speaking out against these atrocities and condemning these actions by fellow Muslims???? Why should the average American citizen be afraid at all given this is the greatest country in the world?????????? Because the leader of this great country is an imposter operating with free will even if it means we die in order for HIS agenda to also be carried out. I have never written so many comments with such fervor on so many important topics in my entire life than I have in the last year. Never imagining I would be talking about a president in the fashion that I have because I have been left with no other alternative all the while trying to wake fellow citizens who seem fast asleep in their beds while it is noon day shouting out the truth, and like Noah, the rains did come, just like God said they would, though the whole earth at that time believed not, never the less, the doors to the ark were closed and every living breathing creature on earth perished because they didnt believe, they thought Noah was a mad man, though he spoke the truth and wanting others to be saved, but they would not. Is that where were at???????????? I believe so. I believe we havent been told the truth about our enemies and they are already here and if this be the case, many are already dead, they just dont know it yet. Dear Heavenly Father, I am asking you to cause your Holy Spirit to move over this land and to rid this country of our enemies if that be your will, and if not, that we are living in a time of judgment for having falsely used your name as a symbol of what America once stood for, but no longer professes, that you would protect individuals and cause your Spirit to be upon all of your children who are born again, that we might not die in vein, but that righteousness would yet again preside over this nation and that you are lifted on high as our God and our creator. Even if many do perish who are found guilty of using your name in vein and mocking your deity and rightful place, that this be a testament that good and evil cannot occupy the same space and if this be a cleansing of sin within our borders, then so be it, but in and through it all, you would be glorified and your name lifted on high for you alone are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the great I AM. In Jesus name I ask these things, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:17:50 +0000

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