Not in the mood to write, so I did a little bit of editing. One - TopicsExpress


Not in the mood to write, so I did a little bit of editing. One of my favorit chapter openings... Edge Of A Dream -D. Allemao Chapter 2 Poseidons Drill I awoke to a scream. Not a quick, high pitched, single blast, but a prolonged one that grew louder and more intense with each inhale. I jumped to my feet even before I opened my eyes. Betwynn stood on top of a large rock with the tail end of an equally large snake in her hand. She flailed the head of the snake against the rock in perfect cadence with her screams. I could almost recognize the tune. Bepheter stood by the fire, sword drawn. Elryst still prone, had a wild wide-eyed expression. As he sat up, the look of shock on his face was quickly replaced with amusement. Betwynns screaming ceased. She stood still atop the rock panting with the snake dangling at her side, limp and well tenderized. Her gaze turned to Elryst as he half choked, half swallowed his laughter. She scowled at him as the swaying carcass brushed against her bare leg. She jumped, let out another scream, and whipped the snake body around to slam its head against the side of the rock one more time. Ellrysts amusement spilled into open laughter as he made his way to the fire. Im pretty sure its dead now, Betwynn. Remind me never to cuddle up next to you at night looking for warmth. As Ellryst rubbed his hands together over the fire and chuckled at his own humor, the snake carcass slammed against the back of his head and fell to his feet. Without a flinch, he picked it up, drew his dagger, gutted, and laid it across the embers. When life throws you snakes... make breakfast. I made a poor attempt to hold in my laughter. I looked back at Betwynn, prepared to duck, but only had a nasty stare to contend with. Everyone started to chuckle. The first laughter in the group since I had told them about their parents. “Ill be back in an hour, I want to do some scouting.” I told them as I grabbed some of the bread Ellryst had started toasting to go with the snake.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:50:27 +0000

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