Not inwardly cognitive (anta-prajna), not outwardly cognitive - TopicsExpress


Not inwardly cognitive (anta-prajna), not outwardly cognitive (bahih -prajna), not both-wise cognitive (ubhayata -prajna), not a cognition mass (prajnana-ghana), not cognitive (prajna), not non-cognitive (a-vyavaharya) ungraspable (a-grahya), having no distinctive mark (a-lakshana), non-thinkable (a-chintya), that cannot be designated (a-vyapadesya), the essence of the assurance of which is the state of being one with the Self (ekatma­pratyaya-sara), the cessation of development (prapanchopa­shama), tranquil (santa), benign (Siva), without a second (a-dvaita) - such they think is the fourth. He is the Self (Atman). He should be discerned. Better to keep MUM, Than Sing AUM
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 10:19:11 +0000

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