Not just a beach bird any longer Date: July 18, 2013Author: linda - TopicsExpress


Not just a beach bird any longer Date: July 18, 2013Author: linda muellerEdit A long time ago I learn about a seagull named Jonathan- anyone else ever heard of him? Well, this seagull was a little different then most seagulls. He wasn’t content to just wander around the water trying to stay alive by catching fish or stealing food from passerby’s. He would look up into the sky and see other birds flying higher then he had ever flown and dipping sharper then he ever did and he wondered if he could be more like them. So, one day, he try to climb higher then he had ever gone before . He found it was hard- he had to flap his wings faster then he ever did before and he had to struggle to keep a head of the air currents so they wouldn’t pull him down. But, after some time he looked down and realized he was higher then he ever thought he would be and he had a feeling of lightness about him he had never felt before. The air was lighter and he found he could relax and just float and enjoy the scenery. It was beautiful up there, he could see more and clearer. He was alone and that was a little scarily but at the same time it was also freeing. It felt great. So, day after day he would go back up and each time it was better then the last because it became his own place and he felt at home. After a while though, he became discontented again and wondering if there were other things he could learn and do better. He began to think and of course he came up with more and more things he found he wanted to learn and improve upon. Well, at the same time, others were watching him and they became angry because they thought Jonathan felt he was better then the rest of the flock and that he was doing things that normal seagulls didn’t do. So these angry seagulls got together and decided that Jonathan had no place among them in their flock. They all agreed that Jonathan had to be cast out. After Jonathan was removed from the flock he was lonely and scared and he wondered if he shouldn’t go back to just being the old Jonathan he was before. That way he would be able to be with his old friends and not have to practice hour after hour and maybe life would be easier- after all with all the new skills he was learning it kept him busy and tired. So he tried to go back to the flock and tried to be just another seagull. After time though, he again wanted to be “better” and he missed the high spots in the clouds and the speed he acquired while reaching for those new heights. He found he had to go back to learning and striving for the more difficult levels he had obtained before. Again the seagulls met and decided this time he would not be allowed to return to the flock. Jonathan was banished for good. Now all alone, he had all the time in the world to practice and learn new skills. He became good at what he did and soon younger seagulls were watching him daily. Now, on one of those days a young seagull named David decided to try to imitate Jonathan. He began to fly higher then he ever flew before, but once up in the sky, he became afraid and started to fall faster to the earth then he could control. He hit the sand hard and when he tried to get up he had found his wing was broken. Now Jonathan saw this and went to him and help David up. He began to speak to David and asked him why he had tried to imitate Jonathan. David said he had watched him day after day, and from as early as he could remember, he had wanted to be just like Jonathan. Jonathan asked if he knew Jonathan was an outcast. David replied yes, but that he felt it was a better life and worth being an outcast. Jonathan then told David if he truly wanted to learn and succeed, when his wing was healed Jonathan would teach David the right way to fly to accomplish the soars, dips and the speed Jonathan could. After a few weeks David returned to Jonathan for his first lesson. Before too long, many more seagulls began to appear to watch their practice sessions. More young seagulls began to practice along with David and Jonathan and soon the elders came to Jonathan and invited him back into the fold and asked him to teach others of the flock what he knew. Jonathan agreed with a full heart because Jonathan knew seagulls could be more then just beach birds struggling to eat by catching small fish hour after hour. After all, there was a huge sky to explore and horizons to see. God wanted us to see and explore the whole of the earth and Jonathan felt he was placed on this earth to help others to experience all these wonders as well. Now, I am telling you this story because we all can identify with its message- we all have had to learn new things and conquer new horizons and each time its scarily and we feel we are all alone. I find myself there today. Now, I am on the first level of this journey and i feel a lone and a little afraid. I have ventured in areas I have never been before, I have tried new things. I knew I could sew, but over this past year I have become discontented with the type of sewing I had done in the past. So I started to learn new skills and techniques that have taken me in a whole new direction. People asked me to go on ETSY – a whole new area for me. The computer – FRIGHTENING to say the least! It take skills I never knew existed. But, now that I am up in the sky- I need to learn how to manage my flight. This is all very scarey stuff! Couldn’t I just turn back? -NO,NOT NOW- now that I’m up here I need to learn it all or risk falling to the ground with a bang! So, in two days I am off to school to learn skills that will definitely take my sewing to a whole new level. When I return, I will have the skills I need to accomplish the type of sewing I dream of: Clothing for children that I never thought I would be able to create. The garments I want to make are beautiful and that people want to save for a lifetime to remember those special events of their past. I am hoping for success with these garments and with the help I am receiving from Jay of Jay@gilhoi ( my web-site designer), I hope and pray others of our flock will see my site and enjoy the clothes I create and will enjoy visiting the site and the information printed here and return again and again. So, Please say a pray for a safe journey for me and for me to return with lots of creative ideas to sew for perhaps your children or grandchildren. Now, I must go and sprinkle a little more Fairy Dust. Yours, Linda Twitt
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 19:18:30 +0000

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