Not many of you would actually recognize or know that today - TopicsExpress


Not many of you would actually recognize or know that today (September 10) is World Suicide Prevention Day. I dont want to make a big sappy story over this but I do want to bring this important cause to your attention. Suicide is the number 1 cause of death for Australians aged between 15-44 years of age. Bet you werent aware of that. Luckily for some people they are never truly confronted by suicide and they never have to personally deal with it. But for others suicide is a big deal and it is a challenge they are faced with daily. Depression and Anxiety stole my good friend from me and it truly was and still is the most heartbreaking thing. Kyle was a person that really understood me. One word and we both knew how each other were feeling. No need to ask questions or go into detail, it was blatantly obvious that he was someone I valued and cared about deeply. We were aware of the struggles we both faced on a daily basis and somehow I continued to wish and hope that one day we would both be able to say we came out of it as better people. That is now something that will never happen. Kyle was taken from us all on June 6th 2014. To me Kyle was a true friend, a good mate and a person who I could trust with my deepest and darkest secrets. He was someone who constantly made me laugh and smile and had such an impact on my life. Kyle gave me some of the most wonderful memories and stories to tell and he by far did the best Joker impersonation. As each month passes by, the pain of losing you has only grown stronger. It is 3 months and 4 days since I spoke to you and if i could only speak to you one more time I would tell you how ever sorry i was that I fell asleep that night. I know if I stayed up just a little longer things could of been different. I still wait for you to reply to me, just like you said you would the next morning. The love I have for you Kyle will never fade and it will be a friendship that I treasure forever. He will be forever in my heart. Depression is such a horrible thing to deal with, it is something you would never wish on your worst enemy. The emotional trauma seems to last a life time, it seems as though it will never end, but it can, you can help yourself, there are places you can go, people you can see and talk to. I strongly urge anyone to go and seek help if you need it and urge anyone that knows of someone struggling to lend them a hand and help them seek professional help. If you are struggling please understand that suicide is not the answer. The ripple effect your actions could potentially cause on the community will hurt so much more than you could ever imagine. If you need help or know of someone struggling please contact someone urgently. Lifeline: 131114 Kids Helpline: 1800551800 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 Remeber, it doesnt hurt to ask someone R u OK?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:47:15 +0000

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