Not much is going on. I am still losing weight, but not as fast. I - TopicsExpress


Not much is going on. I am still losing weight, but not as fast. I think I have started to hit a plateau. Im not sure as its getting to be that time of the month and I am retaining water again. I can take my Lasix and it must be working somewhat. I weighed myself yesterday morning and when I weighed myself last night, I was 2 lbs. lighter. So at least I got rid of some fluid. I know the Lasix is making me go to the bathroom a lot. If I am still not losing weight like I am suppose to, I will have to call Sparrow Weight mgmt. and talk to a dietician. They will look at what I have been eating, from my fitness pal, and tell me what to change or do. I probably need to eat more calories. I only average between 800 and 1000 calories a day. It took a lot to get to that many. Some of it is by eating cheese and nut butters, like peanut and cashew. Its crazy that you need to eat more calories to lose weight. The reasoning is that the body goes into starvation mode below 1200 calories and will hold on to anything that goes in to keep you from starving. Only problem is, I almost never feel hungry. I have to keep an eye on the clock to remember to eat.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 00:12:22 +0000

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