Not my words but I whole heartedly agree.... How we carry on, a - TopicsExpress


Not my words but I whole heartedly agree.... How we carry on, a personal comment....... We are the enlightened, impassioned 45% of the electorate! what an incredible place to start the next chapter of our journey from. Massive respect and thanks to Alex Salmond, who has done more for Scotland than anyone in recent times. I cannot yet support the national football or rugby teams of what is a mere region, nor, even, as a folk singer, can I bring myself to sing Scottish song without an empty feeling inside........ So take rest, then when you get the opportunity or feel yourself ready to do a little bit more for the cause, join me in supporting with your precious VOTE, the Scottish National Party at every opportunity. I say this with the utmost respect to the great parties of the Greens and the Scottish Socialists, but especially to any labour voter / member who is free thinking and wants an independent Scotland. Jimmy Reid has shown many, including myself, the way. To me, New Labour has abandoned and betrayed all the principles that were fundamental to the Labour movement in Scotland, Jimmy Reid declared. I have waited a long time to see forces emerging within the New Labour party that would bring the party back to its roots. But I have been waiting in vain and with every year that passes, Tony Blair and New Labour move further to the right. They are now indistinguishable from the Thatcherite Tories. To me the obvious alternative is available to us here in Scotland. The SNP is a social democratic party - that means it adheres to the values that the Labour movement was based on. I want to help it in this election and in future elections so that we can reverse the damage done by New Labour. (See link at bottom of post) We need to pull together as free thinking individuals, so no matter if you proudly retain membership of another free thinking party, we have come so far under the YES banner, and now to take advantage of the next perfect storm comprising : 1. No real powers materialising for Scotland 2. A conservative / UKIP coalition in 2015 3. An out of Europe by the UK We need to pull our resources. I feel the only way this can be achieved within the time frame, to the next election, is if we push ( no disrespect to others) the only serious contender in the Scottish parliament and the most significant Scottish party at Westminster. So please join me in at least supporting the SNP with your precious vote at every opportunity, or go one better and join the SNP. Respect
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:25:04 +0000

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