Not one media outlet outside of local circles has dared to mention - TopicsExpress


Not one media outlet outside of local circles has dared to mention it, perhaps because government fears that if the public learns that other people are getting fighting mad (literally), they might join in, and become an actual revolution. 40 Tons of GMO Sugar Beets were set ablaze in Eastern Oregon, yesterday. FORTY TONS — the entire acreage of two full fields of crops IN THE GROUND were set ablaze over a THREE NIGHT PERIOD OF TIME. When lawmakers and corporations refuse to honor the Constitution and instead engage in ‘legalized’ criminal acts such as enabled by the ‘Monsanto Protection Act,’ people get mad. #organic #nogmo #theantimonsantoproject #occupymonsanto #marchagainstmonsanto
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 05:35:27 +0000

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