Not only have secularists reacted (mostly very negatively) to the - TopicsExpress


Not only have secularists reacted (mostly very negatively) to the upcoming debate between me and Bill Nye, but a number of Christians have also reacted negatively. Usually such Christians have compromised with evolution/millions of years and thus would rather the people they influence go to atheistic secular museums or listen to a lecture promoting evolution--than to hear a Christian defend the Christian faith, stand on the authority of the Word of God and proclaim the gospel. One Christian blogger said he would be cheering for Bill Nye. On my Facebook, someone posted this sad (but all too familiar account): After requesting that our 22 year old pastoral intern and youth group leader look into seeing if several of our ministries (my family runs a youth sports ministry) could join together to show the live stream at our church, I got a shocking response from him. This is not the email in its entirety, just the crucial and eye-opening part: I think the most basic point that we are in disagreement is on the inerrancy of scripture. I love your passion, and I’m sure that it would be helpful for me to have further discussions with you on this subject. At this point in time, I very much see scripture as infallible, though not inerrant. Personally I don’t see the need to treat the bible as if it is completely void of error in areas of science, history, grammer, etc. (while it is certainly very accurate in many of those spheres), as I don’t believe the bible exists to make scientific conclusions, document all of history in an accurate way, etc. (though of course there are sections of scripture that would seem to have these purposes). These spheres serve as stepping stones to the most important purpose of the Bible, to convey Salvation through God’s only son Jesus Christ. Everything else, in my mind, are secondary purposes of the bible. I believe scripture to be the ultimate authority in everything regarding faith, salvation, the person of God, and humanity. This is just to give you a brief window into my convictions, which I hope explains why I don’t see Creationism as something that needs to be defended as much as the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sad--but we are used to receiving such opposition from within the church. Imagine this person giving an account to the Lord one day of how he stopped people hearing the truth of Gods Word because he wanted them to compromise with the secular religion of the day used to try to explain life without God! My blog for today, which will be posted here later this morning, will respond to a recent article by the President of the compromising Biologos organization about the upcoming debate. I encourage you to come back and read that post. We are in no different situation than that of Nehemiahs day--having to deal with opposition from within and without. “I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3) Keep spreading the word about the live streaming of the debate. If you have problems like the one reported above, then invite people to your home. You may have to be involved in Guerrilla warfare in some churches to reach those who need to hear the truth of Gods Word beginning in Genesis.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:00:01 +0000

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