Not only should we all be considering our own health when deciding - TopicsExpress


Not only should we all be considering our own health when deciding whether or not we should eat healthier types of food we should also consider what kind of harm we are inflicting on the environment by eating certain foods. Some of ViSalus Sciences products are vegetarian and can be used as an alternative to meat products like goose, rabbit, cattle, pigs, sheep, lambs, ducks, turkeys, and chickens, which by eating alternative foods instead of most of the meat products out there we help to promote a sustainable future for our eco system and the environment around the world. The reasons that eating these types of foods hurts the environment and can be bad for humans in general is due to these factors: 1) The over population growth of such animals listed above is causing global warming because of the gases given off by these animals. 2) Managing farms to produce these live stock for consumption takes up massive amounts of land in comparison to vegetarian alternatives. 3) The animals require exponential greater amounts of water to be raised to the point of becoming consumable food leaving the rest of us high and dry in our times of need. 4) To create enough land to produce and breed these animals tropical rainforests and other important forests have been destroyed to utilize the land that those forests were located on for farming. 5) This does not seem possible, but some farms can produce as much waste as a city can produce give or take certain variables. 6) The run off of nutrients from animal waste, factory farms, sewage pollution, nitrogen compounds, and fertilisers get into the rivers and oceans causing algal blooms. This process tends to take up most if not all of the oxygen in the water leaving little to no room left for anything else to live. 7) Anyone who has lived near a farm knows the smell and more importantly farms not only pollute the air due to the fact that the animals give off many polluting gases, which contributes to ozone pollution, manmade ammonia is produced by livestock, which is a major contributor to acid rain. Not to mention all the of pesticides, nitrogen, phosphorus, and antibiotics that get into the water supply from farms. 8) Animal waste has many pathogens contained inside such as salmonella, E coli, cryptosporidium, and fecal coliform. The antibiotics given to the animals helps the bacteria become more resistant, which makes it harder to treat these certain bacteria when a human is infected by it. 9) A massive amount of fossil fuel is used to keep these farms running and we all know what that means, more pollution. 10) Meat eaters can have an increased chance of obesity, cancers, heart diseases and other illnesses as well being very costly. People eating meat tend to pay more than vegetarians do for meals and the meat meals are ultimately more harmful to them for the most part in general.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:17:50 +0000

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