Not really. The corporate press -- really ultra corporatist; not - TopicsExpress


Not really. The corporate press -- really ultra corporatist; not Spiro T. (THE $10,000 BRIBE BUNDLES TAKER) Agnew ultra Liberal news media -- protects them by not giving background. Why is one of the five so called W elements of journalism. So is WHO, that along with how are the key elements of journalism. But perhaps the biggest factor was the reluctance of Democrats to FIGHT BACK. Too many Democrats take a look at immediate polls and get Chicken Shit to say anything. One thing I give the Republican dubious credit for is that when they embark on a mission to oppose something or someone (President Barack Obama, for instance, although that backfired, especially after 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney shot of his big mouth and was videotaped behind close doors) they stick to that game plan around the clock. Because the Democrats are so diverse and ousually disorganized, they have, for the most, part not been able to do that. Red state Democrats -- as soon a Barack Obama (partly because of his race is not even 40 percent popular in their states) immediately go into panic and vote with Republican/corporatist positions. And, you know what, it usually doesnt help them. Remember Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas? I think what us progressive/liberals -- who are loyal to our party and usuallt vote for these Blue Dog (corporatist Democrats) when they win the partys nomination -- have to do is offer candidates in the primary who take party positions. Only when these Blue Dog Democrats know that they can no longer take these Democratic loyalists for granted and could lose the primaries will they show our top concerns into REAL account. I think this requires a lot of common sense on our part. For instance, as those who read my Facebook postings and my emails regularly know, know this requires a lot of flexibility. For instance, I see were a lot of progressive Democrats are supporting Bernie Sanders running for president. As those who study voting records and other patterns closely, Sanders has a 100 percent NRA record. Yes, sensible gun control is a very important issue. At the same time would you be willing to lose Sanders as a US senator over one issue? The fact is Vermont -- once way back was a reliable Republican state -- is an automatic blue state today. But it is rural and realstically somebody who favors any kind of real gun control could not survive. Also in choosing a Democratic presidential candidate for 2016, I think you have to weigh the ability to win. Sanders is very liberal and comes from a small rural, but liberal state. These are not prohibitive political handicaps. But Sanders happens to be Jewish and that would likely cause at least a quiet backlash. Lets not forget that in 1960 John Fitzgerald Kennedy had to overcome being Catholic. I lived in Hollywood, FL at the time and remember in the Red Neck areas of Central and North Florida they circulated the nonsense rumor if JFK won the Pope will take over the country. Bobby Kennedy -- who was the real campaign manager for JFK -- sent LBJ down to Florida and he told state Democratic officials who were running away from from Kennedy that we can shoot rockets into space just as easily from Houston as the Cape... Suddenly the state Democrats rallied behind JFK. He sill lost the Sunshine State, but he got over 40 percent and made a respectable showing that didnt negatively really impact other Democrats. I am discussing this because Sanders in addition to the negatives I discussed earlier in the post would also have to overcome the fact that he is Jewish. The combination of these factors are a very hard road for Bernie to overcome. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has led the effort to reform the banking system to prevent the type of banking major crash we had in 2008. But she too would have to overcome political handicaps. She has little name recognition and is a woman. Meanwhile, the Democrats have to fight back much better. AS I have out pointed out on the past, Democrats have let Republicans get away with too much BS. Why when Republicans demonized Obamacare didnt the Democrats respond that it is funny you are demonizing this concept because your party conceived it and pushed for its passage in 1993 as an alternative to President Bill Clintons Hillarycare? Not only that, but you continued doing so for 16 more years and suddenly when President Obama accepted YOUR PLAN it is unconstitutional and the root of all evil. This would be funny, if it wasnt so sad and pathetic And the fight against Obamacare was led by Rick Scott, who was head of Hospital Corporation of America when it received a fine of over $6 billion for the largest Medicare fight in history. Scott got over $6.5 billion during his work for HCA. The Democrats paid a bitter price for not attacking Scott during the Obamacare debate. The sleazebag Scott got elected governor of Florida. He is up for re-election in November and ousting him should be a top priority. The Democratic Party field of candidates is headed by former Gov. Charlie Crist, a former Republican governor of the state who was pretty much destroyed by them because on a trip to the Sunshine State he hugged Obama. Ray A. Cohn
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:48:13 +0000

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