Not so new but still COOL! Bohms quantum potential constant was - TopicsExpress


Not so new but still COOL! Bohms quantum potential constant was long rejected as superfluous by the overwhelming majority of theoretical physicists, but guess what? It may turn out to be as fundamental as c. Back to the main topic: String Theory, the experience of the Passage of Time, vanishes as one views The Universe from the vantage of 8, 10 or 11 dimensions. From Beginning to End, everything is always present. Perhaps more interestingly, Quantum Statistical Mechanics (QSM) and Probabilistic considerations of every type also disappear, as all outcomes are known and present. So the most important Principle of 20th Century Physics, The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, also evaporates as an artifact of 4 dimensionally limited experience. Nonetheless, this Proof is setting up for a Showdown at the OK Corral of Physics. As I understand it, the directionality of Time emerges from The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, that is, the one-dimensional irreversible vector nature of our experience of Time is a phenomenon arising from Macroscopic Physics. At the QSM level, Time is experienced in a very different way, as in Diracs explanation of electron-positron annihilation. SOO, if the universe initially emerged as a quantum fluctuation ... how can that happen when every value of Time is Zero within quantum uncertainty, and well below by many orders of magnitude, the scale at which the 2nd Law can begin to emerge? Leaving this question unanswered, lets go on to another to which I can speculate upon an answer: How large must the initial fluctuation that will become our Universe become in order to not vanish back into the foam of Planck Uncertainty? It must become, at the minimum, large and cool enough for the Weak Fundamental Force to Split from the Electromagnetic Force, ~10 x-11 sec after Creation, and most certainly by the Time that it is large enough for the kind of macroscopic Physics that we know can allow Time as we know it to emerge. Kind of a Chicken and The Egg issue....?
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 20:57:20 +0000

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